Learning goals
What is the situation of armed conflicts in the world and how do they cause forced displacement on people? In this module you will get elements to understand how the civilian population is impacted by armed conflict, how the situations of armed conflicts are linked to the flows of refugees and internal displacements, and what the present scene of the displaced population is at a global level.
This material will also help you reflect on the gender dimension of the population’s forced displacement, and on some of the main challenges in regards to the reception of refugees.
With the collaboration of:
- Get to know the present scene of armed conflicts and the reality of forced displacements in the world.
- Acquire a deeper and more complex point of view about this phenomenon with a gender perspective, and take into account the challenges which refugees face in the host societies.
- Identify the impacts of conflicts on the civilian population, and the link between armed conflicts and forced displacement.
- Recognize gender elements behind forced displacement caused by armed conflicts, and behind the difficulties which those people who achieve to flee from violence situations in their countries have to face.
- Increase the motivation to question simplistic and stereotyped discourses about the realities that refugees and displaced people face.
- Promote a more critical and proactive attitude to contribute to actions aimed to improve the reception of refugees, and demand greater political and institutional commitment to respond to this phenomenon.
Armed conflict and forced displacement: What are we talking about?
The number of forcibly displaced people caused by conflicts, violence, persecution and human rights violations has increased steadily during the last years, and the figure is at the worst levels since the Second World War. According to UNHCR figures, at the end of 2018 there were 70.8 million forcibly displaced people, inside or outside their countries’ borders, a 50% increase from 2009.