Projects and campaigns
Grassroots Change
2 years project funded by Erasmus+ that aims to improve the quality of short and long term voluntary projects in the defined Sub-Saharan African and European countries by investing in leadership and mentoring trainings for the youth organisations involved as well as by creating tools for the sending and hosting organisations.

Modules for Global Justice
You will find several training resources that will help you understand the world in relation to global inequalities, conflicts, discrimination and violations of rights, but also understand the responses of the civil society from nonviolent perspective.

“Young Defenders” research
Investigation about the rights violations of youth and experiences of popular mobilization in the Mediterranean area. The aim of the project is to make visible the violations of rights that they suffer and the important rol of youth as a peacebuilders. You can also fin the ‘Young Defenders’ research in arabic here.

Escaping to love and to be
Documentary and report about the situation of LGBTI in Morocco and the troubles that they find asking for international protection in Spain. Project funded by Dev Reporter grant. You can watch the documentary subtitled in arabic here.

Volunteering vs Violence
International project about remembrance. It has the aim to make visibile the voluntary work as a way to build peace during the the conflict from the last century.

Activists in residence
Project consisting on hosting different international activists from Mediterranean Area with the objective to share experiences of youth empowerment and mobilization.

Guide for the protection of human rights in public procurement
The ‘Guide for the protection and promotion of human rights in public procurement’ responds to a demand from civil society and municipalities to develop legal tools for ensuring respect for human rights in the institutional sphere. It has been developed by Novact, Nexes and SCI.

Memoric beyond rethoric
International project about remembrance focused on the I World Wide War and the growth of the pacifist movement in Europe.