
Voluntaries a un camp de treball del SCI

What is a workcamp?

A workcamp is a community project where volunteers from differents countries support a local project during 2 or 3 weeks. The group work and live together during their stay, so they can learn from each other and from local people. 

Steps to join a workcamp in Catalunya

1. Search your branch or partner in the international database

Contact them to know the conditions. If your country doesn’t have a branch contact with sci international.

2. Apply to different projects

Look for projects in the workcamps database and make your application.

3. Enjoy the experience

Come to the workcamp and enjoy it respectfully

4. Be part of social change

When you return to your country try to develop locally what you learned

Some tips

Workcamps are not vacations, so you don’t expect to do tourism. You may do some cultural visits, but it’s not the aim of the project.

You’ll be part of a local project and you’ll be living with local people, try to think about the impact of your presence there in a positive and in a negative way.

In Catalunya, and overall Barcelona, tourism has a huge impact in its population regarding prices and also lifestyle. Be aware of it before and during the project and try to reduce your impact.

And… Enjoy your experience!