Has fet un camp de voluntariat amb l’SCI? Aquest any tens l’oportunitat de coordinar-ne un a Catalunya, al país valencià o les illes balears!
Degut a la situació de pandèmia de la covid es prendran totes les mesures sanitàries necessàries per al bon funcionament del camp.
Si ja has participat d’un camp de treball i vols viure una nova experiència intercultural, però sense anar massa lluny, ara en pots coordinar un! Pots participar d’algun dels camps que organitzem al territori (Catalunya, País Valencià o Illes Balears) assumint la figura de coordinador/a d’un grup de voluntaris i voluntàries.
Només cal que tinguis experiència en camps de treball o grups interculturals, bon nivell d’anglès i ganes de participar-hi! Les tasques de la persona coordinadora són:
– Fer d’enllaç i vetllar per la bona comunicació entre el grup i l’entitat promotora.
– La gestió del temps, l’espai de treball i les estones de lleure, tot facilitant l’autogestió del grup i el bon funcionament del camp.
– La persona coordinadora és voluntària, i per tant, s’espera que tot el grup doni suport en aquesta coordinació.
Si hi estàs interessat/ada, envia un correu a incoming@scicat.org el més aviat possible! A continuació pots veure els camps pels quals necessitem persones coordinadores:
Conservation of ancient paths and discovery of an unusual valley in the Pyrenees
27/09 – 9/10
Description: If you like nature, trekking, teamwork and manual work this camp is for you! The purpose of this workcamp is to recover and maintain the ancient paths of Vall de Siarb, a very unique and interesting valley in the heart of the Pyrenees. These paths were used during many centuries until the 1960s-70s. They represent a huge heritage that is why we want to keep all of them in the valley as an open air museum.
Art in a youth prisoners centre [CANCEL·LAT]
Del 15 al 30 d’octubre
Description: This work camp will be held on a young prisoner’s center. These young adults are between 18 and 25 years old. They are sociable, motivated and every day they’re developing their personal, social and professional skills. Having international volunteers working directly with them has mutual benefits. From one side, beneficiaries will enjoy meeting new people, get heard, share their skills and talents. From the other side, volunteers will have the opportunity to question some of their stereotypes, be critical about the justice system and their own privileges.
Eixarcolant – another food model system is possible. Horticulture and reconstruction in the orchards of Jorba
Del 19 al 30 d’octubre
Description: Eixarcolant Collective is a non-profit organization whose aim is to transform the model of production, distribution and consumption of food towards a more sustainable and just. The methods we use to achieve it are conservation and growing of edible wild species and traditional crop varieties, providing training and dissemination, finding solutions and lifestyle alternatives through applied research, revitalization planning, awareness and advocacy. There is no specific knowledge required apart from the willingness to learn about plants, crops and work in the countryside. If you are interested in nature preservation, alternative lifestyle, plants and crops cultivation, a well as you are into teamwork and manual work this is your camp!