Has fet un camp de treball amb l’SCI? Aquest any tens l’oportunitat de coordinar-ne un sobre reconstrucció d’un hostal per a voluntàries amb la comunitat local a l’Ametlla del Vallès! Del 9 al 17 d’abril
Si tens experiència participant de camps de treball i tens ganes de viure una nova experiència intercultural, pots fer de coordinadora d’un camp de treball.
Pots participar del camp de treball que organitzem a l’Ametlla del Vallès assumint la figura de coordinador/a d’un grup de voluntaris i voluntàries. Només cal que tinguis experiència en camps de treball o grups interculturals, bon nivell d’anglès i ganes de participar-hi!
Les tasques de la persona coordinadora són:
– Fer d’enllaç i vetllar per la bona comunicació entre el grup i l’entitat promotora.
– Gestionar el temps, l’espai de treball i les estones de lleure, tot facilitant l’autogestió del grup i el bon funcionament del camp.
– La persona coordinadora és voluntària, i per tant, s’espera que tot el grup doni suport en aquesta coordinació.
Si hi estàs interessat/ada, envia un correu a voluntariat@scicat.org el més aviat possible! També hi pots col·laborar-hi com a participant.
A continuació pots veure la informació del camp:
Description: Fundació Roser de Maig is an ENL for social, educational and leisure action. The foundational aims are towards leisure education and sociocultural animation, which are carried out through a social task and to help those people who need it most. The promotion of spaces for the development of socio-educational activities, as well as a musical space, are key to our raison d’être, trying to reach as many participants as possible. We offer support projects with other entities in the city. We have other projects in Catalonia, as well as internationally. The origins of the Foundation date back to 1994, when the Esplai del Roser was born. From then on, and as a result of the demands of the neighborhood and the citizens of Cerdanyola, other activities were opened.
Type of Work: The proposed tasks are the reconstruction and adaptation of outdoor spaces. These are very extensive and some are disused due to the poor condition in which they are found. In addition, the organization works with children and young people, so they will participate jointly in the revitalization of these.
Accommodation: The accomodation will be in Can Xammar. This is an educational and social project to support organizations, clubs, institutions and groups in their projects, promoting contact with nature and the environment through play. This youth facility is the ideal place to organize training, summer camps, work camps, retreats and coexistence. The property is located in the Ametlla del Vallès on the edge of the parish of Sant Genís. In addition, the house is included in the Protected Natural Area (ENP) of the Cingles de Bertí.