El camp de treball consistirà en donar suport a les classes d’idiomes, mantenir el bosc de l’escola i fer activitats amb els infants del projecte. Del 17 de juny a l’1 de juliol a Llinars del Vallès.
*Si encara no saps què és un camp de treball i com inscriure-t’hi pots llegir totes les condicions i passos a seguir per inscriure’t aquí. Aquest és un dels projectes disponibles ara mateix, però per veure’ls tots pots consultar el CERCADOR DE CAMPS. Podreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, països i temàtiques.
Llegeix atentament la descripció del camp de treball i inscriu-t’hi!
Description: The idea for this project came from the limitations in the educational conditions for students during the Covid19 pandemic. Our school follows an international curriculum (Swiss/Catalan) merged by us and based on outdoor environmental education and forest school concepts. We teach in 5 languages: English, Catalan, Spanish, German and French. We balance soft skills (theater, yoga, cooking, forest ecology, emotional intelligence, gardening, arts, music) with conventional subjects, and we believe in a loving and positive environment for learning. Most of our lessons take place outdoors, and our ratio is one teacher per 7 students. Volunteers are welcome to share their knowledge and culture with our students. We take care of goats and sheep, dogs, chickens and donkeys.
Type of Work: You will work on giving language lessons to the students with some fun activities. Apart from that you will help with cooking and taking care of the schools space. You might be also asked for help in taking care of the animals
Study Theme: The theme is ecological education and community building through non-violence.
Accommodation: There is 1 chalet fully equipped with shower and kitchen, with 2 bedrooms. There is also have a lot of camping spaces available with a separate bathroom and cooking space.
Language: It would be great if volunteers, apart from English could also speak in German or French
Requirements: Volunteers should be open to learn and willing to cooperate. No specific knowledge is needed.
If you have any doubt, contact us to camps@scicat.org