El camp de treball consistirà en acondicionar una sala per fer classe els dies de pluja i fer activitats amb els infants del projecte. De l’11 al 23 de setembre a Llinars del Vallès.
*Si encara no saps què és un camp de treball i com inscriure-t’hi pots llegir totes les condicions i passos a seguir per inscriure’t aquí. Aquest és un dels projectes disponibles ara mateix, però per veure’ls tots pots consultar el CERCADOR DE CAMPS. Podreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, països i temàtiques.
Llegeix atentament la descripció del camp de treball i inscriu-te a través del cercador de camps!
Description: The Chestnut Tree school (thechestnuttree.org) follows an international curriculum merged by them and based on outdoor environmental education and forest school concepts. They balance soft skills (theater, yoga, cooking, forest ecology, emotional intelligence, gardening, arts, music) with conventional subjects, and believe in a loving and positive environment for learning. Most of the lessons take place outdoors, and our ratio is one teacher per 7 students.
“It is very important for us to build social references for the community. Learning should be a shared activity. We learn so much more when we get to listen, talk and work with a diverse number of people. We always found it an enriching experience for ourselves and for the students. ”
Type of Work: Empty a warehouse and make the space useful for the school (to have a space to teach or stay during the rainy days) inside this warehouse there is some furniture that can be upcycled and used in the space outside for the kids so creating these ideas could also be one big part of the project.
The second main activity is to clear the space and prepare all the necessary to start the school year, prepare the tents (classrooms), cleaning and smoothe the surroundings and in general helping to set everything for the children.
Study Theme: The theme of the study part is ecological education and community building through non violence. There will also be creative or learing activities by the professors of the school (art, music,catalan-spanish etc) as well as contact with the local community !
Accommodation: The space is big, the accommodation will be in tents, there are two dry toilets and showers available, also there is a small cabin and spaces covered to stay and relax during the day (there is also a pool so if the weather is still warm you can swim!) There is an equipped kitchen where the meals can be preapred.
Language: The language of the workcamp is in English so the environment can be inclusive for everyone.
Requirements: Motivation letter is required for the participation in the workcamp, as the work is also with children it is important to have the correct motivation for the setting. Also as this is a non violent community, developing a great communication and peaceful attitude is highly required in the school.
Approximate Location: Can Ramonet, Sant Joan de Sanata, Llinars del Vallès
This is a Child friendly workcamp
If you have any doubt, contact us to camps@scicat.org