Fes un camp de treball aquest hivern!

Fes un camp de treball aquest hivern!

Com ja sabreu, hi ha centenars de projectes de voluntariat de curta durada a tot el món durant tot l’any, també a l’hivern! No espereu fins l’estiu per formar-ne part i viviu un hivern ple de camps! Aquí fem un recull d’alguns dels projectes disponibles ara mateix, però per veure’ls tots podeu consultar el CERCADOR DE CAMPS. Podreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, països i temàtiques.

*Si encara no saps què és un camp i com inscriure’t pots llegir totes les condicions i passos a seguir per inscriure’t aquí.

blankAustralia: Goulburn Agricultural and Horticultural Society Annual Show (24th of February – 7th of March 2024) [FULL]

Description: Goulburn Agricultural, Pastoral and Horticultural Society began in 1880. They organise the Goulburn Show each year, showcasing the very best of agricultural produce, local creative talents, school artwork and related activities. Goulburn Show is one of the largest community events in the region.

Type of work: The work is quite physically demanding so please do not apply unless you are happy to work and take initiative. Together with local volunteers, the work will include erecting tables, setting up displays, fencing, laying carpets, packing and unpacking, raking up straw in the animal enclosures and more. During the two days of the Show you will help for a few hours, on a rotating roster, to run an information stall for IVP.

Important: Per aquest camp és necessari tenir experiència prèvia en camps de treball i tenir més de 20 anys. També es farà una entrevista prèvia abans d’acceptar les voluntàries.

blankAustria: ESC Camp Youth for Nature“ – Volunteer Camp in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald (8th – 22nd of March 2024)

Description: About 12 volunteers will participate in this great attempt to maintain the typical natural environment/biodiversity of the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald. We also want to show politicians and local communities that there are young people who do not shun hard work, who care for nature and who are willing to sacrifice their spare time to help conserve areas worthy of protection.

Type of Work: Dry grasslands form a rare and endangered habitat in the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald. We will cut grass, bushes and trees, and remove the biomass from the areas to suppress the beginning of forest growth. Our goal is to conserve and enhance biodiversity in unique and rare habitats. We will also have time to get to know each other and learn about ecological protection.

Important information: this Camp is founded by the European Solidarity Corps programme (ESC). The ESC programme is a programme of the European Union offering opportunities to young people wishing to engage through volunteering or solidarity projects. Since this Camp is founded by the European Union there are some special conditions you have to take into the consideration: The Camp is open for people who are between 18 and 30 years old and are residents of the European Union or EU partner countires. We can cover all essential costs of the program (including food, travel costs depending on distance of your destination, visa costs, accommodation) through a European project grant.

blankGermany: Solar-Power (15th of April – 25th of April)

Description: Zukunftsweise e.V. aims to create a non-profit learning center to research and practice alternative ways of life and economy. Our focus is constructing energy-self-sufficient micro-solar networks as an innovative alternative to fossil or nuclear electricity. Each unit has its own energy storage & inverter.

Type of Work: In this workcamp we are constructing a self-sufficient solar power energy system with energy storage facilities. This system is a possible way of creating a resilient energy supply in a decentralized manner keeping private energy supply in a more personal responsibility compared to a centralized energy network run by a big company. Additionally, natural gardening tasks will contribute to a varied working experience with many fields of learning. Minimum age: 18 years old.

blankGermany: Berlin Spring Camp (25th of March – 6th of April 2024) and (15th April – 25th of April 2024)

Description: The project center is located between the banks at the lake (Langer See) and a nearby forest part. It is the perfect spot to enjoy the silence away from the city life. At the same time it is also the location of the workcamp and your accommodation for the period of the workcamp. The property includes two main buildings and six bungalows and has plenty of recreational and leisure activities to offer for our guests and seminar groups.

Type of work: We need your support to prepare the project center for the next season. These are simple tasks, like raking of leaves, piled and loaded onto a vehicle or maintenance/renovation work inside and outside the buildings. In simple words, the property of our project center needs to get in shape for the season and that is why we need your help. Minimum age: 18 years old.

Si tens algun dubte pots escriure’ns a camps@scicat.org.

Camps anteriors:

blankThailand: Rice harvesting and activities with kids (15th-28th of December 2023)

Description: Koh Sukorn is a preserved island of Andaman sea in South Thailand. During this workcamp, we will have a chance to join hands with the community members to preserve the local agriculture while we learn about their way of living. Moreover, we will be creating activities and games for children and young people to open their views and let them learn about international culture together with the volunteers.

Type of Work: Working in the rice fields, growing edible vegetables in the local host’s planting area, making compost, taking care of paddy field or making bio-fertilizer, creating games and activities for kids.

blankJapan: Aizuwakamatsu (from the 16th of December to the 25th of August 2024)

Description: This project is organized by a local NPO Terakoya Hojosha that aims to create a diverse learning environment that places children at the center and aims to promote children’s participation in society. A characteristic of the learning at Terakoya Hojosya is that it attends to children’s interests. In their projects, it is important to approve and affirm children and foster a sense of self-affirmation, which is the children’s energy, through their connections with others.

Type of work: Volunteers will provide learning support in Kodomo Shokudo(Children’s cafeterias): It provides such children including those in low-income families with supper for free or at a low price.). Specifically, homework and subject learning is provided to about 15 primary and junior high school students. Volunteers also help with homework and crafts and make lunch and dinner together. Supporting nature activities (e.g. supporting children, preparing meals, preparing for hands-on learning, etc. is not the main work. It depends on the season and timing).

blankTogo: “Christmas For All” (16th-28th of December 2023)

Description: The “Christmas for all” project is a social and solidarity action project that the NGO ASTOVOT is implementing for the benefit of the children of the Zomayi district and its surroundings since there is no framework for entertainment and development in the neighborhood for children and adolescents outside the library ASTOVOT.

Type of Work: Development of the site for the installation of the “Christmas village”, construction of the Christmas hut with straws, stands and Christmas tree, purchase of gifts and shopping for the needs of the convivial meal, organisation of cultural, recreational and sporting activities etc.

blankCambodia: Global EDUCATION CENTER (18th-29th of December 2023), (15th-27th of January 2024) and (12th-24th of February 2024)

Description: Global EDUCATION CENTER (GEC) aims to provide free alternative education for children and teenagers to build their self – confidence, and dreams for the future by making education their first priority.

Type of Work: Volunteers will work on organizing different workshops, trainings, and activities to support students learning and development while also teaching english to students and join construction activities to renovate GEC classroom, and build GEC office, library, and computer room.


blankCambodia: Trapaing Sangkae Fishing Community (18th-29th of December 2023), (14th-26th of January 2024), (4th-16th of February 2024) and (3rd-15th of March 2023)

Trapaing Sangke Fishing Community (TFC) is a community based organization that aims to preserve and protect the mangrove forest in order to maintain the ecological system and increase sealife such as crab, fish, shrimp, etc. so that fishermen can stay and earn income in their community without the need to migrate to other countries.

Type of Work:
Organizing workshops with local people to promote the understanding of mangroves forest impact in people´s lives and collecting mangrove seeds, seedling, and planting mangroves in TFC protected area while maintaining the planted mangroves.

blankCambodia: Development for Cambodian Children (DCC) (18th-29th of December 2023), (18th-29th of January 2024) and (17th-28th of February 2024)

Development for Cambodian Children (DCC) is a community based organization which has been working to provide local children and teenagers English competency, computer skill, and engage them in community development since 2002.

Type of Work:
Volunteers are going to participate in different activities such as teaching English and computer for DCC students, organize sport activities with teenagers, and participate in social development and environmental protection with local people.

Spain: Casa Samuel (20th December – 3rd of January 2024)blank

Description: Caritas Salamanca has a safe house for people with HIV, where it also offers to cover basic needs and the ability to start a process of personal recovery that allows achieving the maximum possible degree of autonomy. Participation as a volunteer is performed in the guesthouse for AIDS so the possibility of living a volunteer experience in a social project is offered, approaching a concrete reality of exclusion, of some HIV-positive persons. Accompanying the residents: from everyday living in the guesthouse, to city walks or performing various steps.

Type of work: Participate and encourage the various activities of leisure time that are developed from the House, encouraging everyone and helping those having greater difficulties (being in a wheelchair or walking with difficulty). Collaborate on hygiene of the less valid for the development of their daily activities. Collaborate in the maintenance and cleaning of the guesthouse. At all times during shifts the volunteer is accompanied by a teacher, or staff member of the House. Ask him all doubts that arise at any time, and about decisions and initiatives that affect the dynamics of the home and residents.

blankSenegal: Immersion in an agro-ecological farm and in a training center for young Senegalese farmers (25th of December – 08th of January 2024)

Description: The goal of the association “Inter Ententes des Groupements Associés du Sénégal”, is to raise awareness among the local population, mainly young people, about the importance of local and sustainable development, to ensure the longevity of traditions, while not neglecting the contribution of modernity and of giving meaning to peasant work as a source of income but also of personal fulfillment.

Type of work: The volunteers will do manual work. Planting and harvesting in the large plantation areas of the center: peppers, sweet potatoes, okra, tomatoes, beans, etc. Volunteers could also be involved in the building of the farm infrastructures.