Hi ha molts projectes de voluntariat de curta durada durant la tardor que busquen voluntàries! Aquí en fem un recull dels que estan disponibles ara mateix
Després de l’aturada temporal de l’emplaçament de voluntàries a causa de la pandèmia de la covid, el passat 8 de maig vam obrir de nou les inscripcions als camps promovent sobretot els projectes locals i adaptant-nos a les mesures sanitàries i a la incertesa del moment. Hi ha molts projectes de voluntariat de curta durada durant l’estiu i la tardor que busquen voluntàries! Aquí fem un recull d’alguns dels camps disponibles ara mateix a Catalunya i la resta de l’estat espanyol i a països de proximitat geogràfica, però per veure’ls tots podeu consultar el CERCADOR DE CAMPS. Podreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, països i temàtiques.
*Si encara no saps què és un camp i com inscriure’t pots llegir totes les condicions i passos a seguir per inscriure’t aquí.
Llagunes, Valls de Siarb, CATALUNYA: Conservation of ancient paths and discovery of an unusual valley in the Pyrenees (27 setembre – 9 octubre)
Description: If you like nature, trekking, teamwork and manual work this camp is for you! The purpose of this workcamp is to recover and maintain the ancient paths of Vall de Siarb, a very unique and interesting valley in the heart of the Pyrenees. These paths were used during many centuries until 1960-70. They represent a huge heritage and we want to keep all of them in the valley as an open air museum.
Type of Work: There will be all kinds of tasks regarding recovering and improving of old paths: clearing paths, rebuilding dry stone walls, putting astones aside, improving trail signs with paint and pavement stretches of trails. We spend all the working hours (4 hours) in the nature, surrounded by forests, fields, etc. The work is very manual and physical. The project is flexible with the needs of the group, with flexible dates, amount of work, combination of activities.
Més info i inscripcions: https://workcamps.sci.ngo/icamps/ES-CAT/ca/camp-details/camp-13876.html
L’Anoia, CATALUNYA: Eixarcolant – another food model system is possible. Horticulture and reconstruction in the orchards of Jorba (19 – 30 octubre)
Description: Eixarcolant Collective is a non-profit organization whose aim is to transform the model of production, distribution and consumption of food towards a more sustainable and just. The methods we use to achieve it are conservation and growing of edible wild species and traditional crop varieties, providing training and dissemination, finding solutions and lifestyle alternatives through applied research, revitalization planning, awareness and advocacy.
There is no specific knowledge required apart from the willingness to learn about plants, crops and work in the countryside. If you are interested in nature preservation, alternative lifestyle, plants and crops cultivation, a well as you are into teamwork and manual work this is your camp!
Type of Work: The first part of project is the recovery and revitalization of orchards in Jorba, where volunteers will do tasks connected to the reconstruction such as preparing dry stone huts, opening old ways now lost. Participants will also have a chance to interact with children from local school and assist them in work related to maintaining green area. The second part of project is focused on the seeds of traditional crop varieties and wild species, where volunteers will assist in various tasks of plantation and growing of the crop species, also collecting the seeds and their subsequent processing.
Més info i inscripcions: https://workcamps.sci.ngo/icamps/ES-CAT/ca/camp-details/camp-14411.html
ALEMANYA: “Contemporary Witnesses on Forced Labour in WWII” (online workcamp) (23 octubre- 22 novembre)
Description: For 20 years, an association of committed citizens has been working through the traces of forced labour under National Socialism and international prisoners in the then “Arbeitserziehungslager Ohrbeck” (AEL) – a Gestapo concentration camp – to redress the effects of forced labour. From January 1944 until the end of the war, more than 2,000 prisoners, including numerous people from the Netherlands and the former Soviet Union, had to work here for a steel factory, clearing rubble and clearing bombs. Many lost their lives in Gestapo custody. Most of the forced labourers came from the Netherlands and the Soviet Union. Their punishment also served as a deterrent for over 25,000 forced labourers in the Osnabrück region, half of whom came from the Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.
Type of work: On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of National Socialism and the war, the volunteers have the opportunity to make the stories of the often forgotten millions of forced laborers and the hundreds of thousands of AEL prisoners visible through. Together, they are preparing the story of a Ukrainian prisoner of AEL. They each write text fragments of a biographical interview with the former forced labourer, help with translations where possible, put the fragments together online and thus jointly trace the biography of this person in order to preserve it for the future. The joint project of the volunteers will be included in the memorial’s exhibition and thus serve further documentary and educational purposes.
Més informació i inscripcions: https://workcamps.sci.ngo/icamps/ES-CAT/ca/camp-details/camp-14415.html
Si tens dubtes, escriu-nos a camps@scicat.org.