* Per poder participar d'aquests projectes has de ser major de 20 anys (excepte per anar a Turquia i atres projectes en concret que són 18 anys) i fer una entrevista prèvia.
Des de fa molts anys, l’SCI Catalunya contempla la zona del sud de la Mediterrània com una zona estratègica per tal de traçar relacions de solidariat internacional. En especial, col·laborem amb entitats a Palestina, Jordània, Marroc i Turquia, on hem impulsat projectes de voluntariat internacional i cooperació.
Aquí pots consultar la informació dels camps de voluntariat disponibles. Si estàs interessat/ada en alguna de les propostes, ja pots escriure un correu a outgoing@sci-cat.org.
Apricot harvest & Cave Renovation (04 Jun – 14 Jun 2018)
Camp code: PS-TON 11.2
During the 10 days working camp volunteers will help in harvesting Apricots and Apples and also helping in making jam. Also volunteers will help in renovating another cave that will be used for living. In order to start with renovating it is very advisable to understand and realize the type of caves you will be working with and how to be careful in renovating. On some afternoons you will be able to go for tours to different places and explore Bethlehem area as well you will get to know the interesting landscape. The volunteers are expected to help in cleaning, renovating, painting and decorating some of the caves on Daher’s vineyard.
Children Summer Camp (25 Jun – 07 Jul 2018)
Camp code: PS-TON 7.3
This camp will be held for local children from the Bethlehem region to take part in Arts, music, dance, theatre, sport and games on daily basis. This will also be a chance for children to meet volunteers from different countries and cultures. Children will also learn about their own rural heritage in a peaceful location and to learn to be connected with the ground. The children summer camp will be educational and will promote tolerance and peace and will challenge prejudice, but most importantly it will be a chance for the children to have a break from the politics that overwhelm their childhood.
The Camp will offer the opportunity for the international volunteers to give training workshops on capacity building for the Palestinian students. In addition, the camp includes visits to the different Palestinian associations, cities, refugee camps, villages and the desert. The program also includes some lectures about different fields and issues of the Middle East conflict.
Almond & Fruit harvest (30 Jul – 09 Aug 2018)
Camp code: PS-TON 10.4
August is the month of picking Almonds and apples. It is always useful to have more people sharing this significant time together with Tent of Nations, volunteers and other young people. Young people from different backgrounds will camp out for ten days, during their time there they will pick almonds and other fruits and also help in do the processing, like making jam out of the apple and other fruits. On some afternoons/evenings there will also be a special program prepared that includes: general details about the land situation, orientation, lectures, workshops, documentary movies and field trips to Bethlehem and the surroundings
Reach out and influence someone (01 Aug – 14 Aug 2018)
Camp code: PS-ZAJ 13.16
Strengthening international solidarity (24 Aug – 05 Sep 2018)
Camp code: PS-PSC 3.1
International Volunteers will be with Palestinians to work with children in a summer camp which will include 100 child. The activities will include cultural, sport, music and folklore dancing. Volunteers will exchange their experience with the Palestinians through joint activities with the children. Moreover, there will be other tours in different areas to discover and witness human right violation. In addition there will be evening activities about peace and the history of nonviolent activities in the village. volunteers will be choosing different documentaries to present. There will be debate event about the situation and how to see the future in a better way.
Grapes & Figs Harvest (27 Aug – 06 Sep 2018)
Camp code: PS-TON 10.5
Because August/September are the months of picking grapes and figs, it is always useful to have more people sharing this significant time together with Tent of Nations, volunteers and other young people. Young people from different backgrounds will camp out for ten days. During their time there they will pick the harvest of different fruits and also will help in the process of making grape and fig jam, dry figs and grapes, make grape syrup, jam and grape juice.
Taking You Forward (03 Sep – 16 Sep 2018)
Camp code: PS-ZAJ 13.16
Training and event management Through international solid
arity work and skill sharing, it is possible to help empower young Palestinians to create a better reality for themselves. We try to provide as many positive options as we can, recognizing that many international volunteers have good qualifications and skills to share with our local students, (which is not a must) as well as, a willingness to provide assistance.
Olive Harvest (22 Oct – 01 Nov 2018)
Camp code: PS-TON 10.6
The olive harvest camp is provided for both Locals and internationals. Campers will sleep out at the campsite for ten days. In the morning they will pick olives, and take care of the olive trees on the farm and in some of the afternoons there will also be a special program for site seeing tours.
Bedouin for a week! (24 Aug – 31 Aug 2018)
Camp code: JO-MEN 12.1
This workcamp will give you a unique experience living with the Bedouin tribes’ lifestyle in South of Jordan. Bedouins, are experts in surviving in the desert and are known for their delicious tea and storytelling. You will spend one week with them, cooking, play with the children and help to clean up the environment from solid waste. The camp is a mixture of hard work, adventure and intercultural learning. It's all about improving cross-cultural sensitivity and other life skills while having fun and making memories. We developed our camp to promote the universal core values of Caring, Respect, Responsibility and Honesty. Campers will be unplugged from their usual life, enjoy the outdoors and nature, grow full-circle in skills and character, establish lifelong friendships…
World Heritage workcamp in the ruins of Chellah – Rabat (15 Jul – 30 Jul 2018)
Camp code: MA-CSM 12.22
This project is the fruit of a partnership between CSM, the Ministry of Education and The Ministry of Youth and Sport. Chellah is a UNESCO World Heritage site, meaning its importance extends beyond the history of
Morocco. The Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Youth and Sports share our belief and support the idea of international volunteers participating in helping maintain Morocco's, and Northern Africa's, historic heritage. The Roman ruins are well preserved but, like most historic ruins, hands are always needed to maintain there preservation. This is why we offer the opportunity to young volunteers to come and get to know this precious ancient archaeological site and the heritage it displays while at the same time help with its conservation.
Scholar support in Casablanca, Ben Msik (01 Aug – 30 Aug 2018)
Camp code: MA-CSM 7.20
Linguistic support for children. This project is the fruit of a partnership between CSM, the Ministry of Education and other non-profit organizations that work with disadvantaged children.
Supporting local initiatives in Imouzzer Kandar
Camp code: MA-CJV 12.1
This project is a colaboration between CJV and a local organization called Association Immouzer Kandar Porte Atlas (AIKAPA). The volunteers' tasks will consist in: Environmental work, cleaning, gardening, painting murals and various works.
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Protecting the environment in Mehdiya
Camp code: MA-CJV 10.1
This project is a colaboration between CJV and the municipality of Mehdyia and the Youth Ministry. The volunteers' task will consist in: Environmental work, restoration and painting murals.
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Turquia *Per veure tots els camps disponibles a Turquia premeu aquí
Me and my friends
-1 (03 Jun – 16 Jun 2018) Camp code: TR-GEN 12.3 Més info
-2 (17 Jun – 30 Jun 2018) Camp code: TR-GEN 12.4 Més info
-3 (01 Jul – 14 Jul 2018) Camp code: TR-GEN 12.6 Més info
-4 (15 Jul 2018 – 28 Jul 2018) Camp code: TR-GEN 12.9 Més info
-5 (29 Jul- 11 Aug 2018) Camp code: TR-GEN 12.13 Més info
-6 (12 Aug – 25 Aug 2018) Camp code: TR-GEN 12.19 Més info
-7 (16 Aug – 08 Sep 2018) Camp code: TR-GEN 12.21 Més info
-8 (09 Sep – 22 Sep 2018) Camp code: TR-GEN 12.22 Més info
If you wish to join in a work camp with your close friends, class mates or volunteers of your previous work camps, just alert them. Also if you are an individual or a couple, but prefer to be in a smaller group, you are welcome too. GENTUR can host up to 5 individuals or 3-5 people from the same country for the same period. The host, Math Village needs small group of volunteers for different daily tasks during the summer while there are math courses for Turkish pupils and students.
Colorful Street (01 Jul – 16 Jul 2018)
Camp code: TR-GEN 12.5
Kepsut municipality is painting the facades of the houses belong to the low income families in the town. Volunteers will help this action on a small street in the town. When the street is completed an elderly people house in a nearby village will be painted. This camp will offer a high level close contact with the locals.
Fun with kids (02 Jul – 16 Jul 2018)
Camp code: TR-GEN 5.7
GENCTUR runs a summer camps for kids and each camp lasts 1 week in Afacan Youth House (www.afacan.de) by the seaside.There will be two different kids groups in each week.The first group of this camp is consist of social and economically disadvantaged kids. The second week kids aged between 10-14 whose families are financially supporting this holiday. The main theme of the second week is photography.
Tr-Ro Kids (05 Ju – 15 Jul 2018)
Camp code: TR-GEN 5.8
A Turkish-Romanian School Exchange will take place in Samsun city by the Black Sea coast. 40 kids of 10-14 age group from both sides will meet in a holiday center and volunteers will organize social activities and practice English with them. There is no need to be a native speaker.
Fun with Teens and Kids (15 Jul – 30 Jul 2018)
Camp code: TR-GEN 5.10
GENCTUR runs 2 summer camps one after another for 2 different groups. The first group is consist of Turkish and foreign teenagers, aged 14-17 whose families are financially supporting this holiday in Afacan Youth House (www.afacan.de ), by the seaside. The main theme of this camp is shooting a short film. The second group is consist of disadvantaged Turkish kids aged 10-14. The fund raised by the first camp is used to support disadvantaged kids of the following week. We are looking for communicative, talkative, active, kids friendly volunteers to organize activities for kids and teens and to take care them during the activities. The kids group will learn photography and the teen group will create a short film in the camp by the help of volunteers.
Buttoned Houses (22 Jul – 05 Aug 2018)
Camp code: TR-GEN 12.12
A unique construction technic of the area makes Akseki worls famous. Long timbers among dry stones make the houses stronger. Villages around Akseki town are full of such houses.An old caravan road ties up the villages. Joining in this camp will make you feel living in the old times.As the altitude of the location is quite high you will also watch a clear sky almost every night.