Ja pots consultar els projectes locals de Palestina, Marroc, Tunísia i Kurdistan.
Des de fa molts anys, l’SCI Catalunya contempla la zona del sud de la Mediterrània com una zona estratègica per tal de traçar relacions de solidariat internacional. En especial, col·laborem amb entitats a Palestina, Marroc, Tunísia i el Kurdistan on hem impulsat projectes de voluntariat internacional i cooperació.
Aquí pots consultar la informació dels camps de voluntariat disponibles. Si estàs interessat/ada en alguna de les propostes, ja pots escriure un correu a outgoing@sci-cat.org. Properament apareixeran nous amps a Jordània i al Líban.
Empowering youth in Mehdya (12 Jul – 26 Jul)
CJV has been engaged in the voluntary movement for many years. Through the exchange of volunteers they want to promote friendship and peace. They mainly work on protection of environment and historical monuments.
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World Heritage workcamp in the ruins of Chellah (01 Aug – 15 Aug)
Renovating a Youth Centre together in Jebha- Chefchaouen (8 Sept – 20 Sept)
This workcamp will take place in a Youth Centre in the small harbour town of Jebha in the province of Chefchaouen in the North of Morocco. It will be organised by CSM (Chantiers Sociaux Marocains) in partnership with the Delegation of Youth and Sport.
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Arabic Language Immersion (03 jul – 14 jul)
This is an invaluable opportunity for volunteers to develop Arabic language skills . Volunteers will be speaking the basics of Arabic in a matter of 10 days while having great fun practicing with host family and learning about the Arabic Moroccan lifestyle.
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Cave renovation and Fruit Harvest. What you plant, you or/and others will harvest (19 juny – 30 juny)
Volunteers will help with cleaning , renovating, painting and decorating some of the caves of the Daher’s Vineyard. The caves they will be working on are centuries old and each have their own character and history, making this a unique and stimulating programme to participate in. It takes a long time to make the caves into liveable areas, but as the work progresses, the volunteers will be able to see the results and the beauty in these caves and their stones. During the camp the volunteers will also assist with the harvesting of some of the farm’s fruit trees.
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Children Summer Camp. Creative projects & discovering talents (10 jul – 22 jul)
This camp will be held for local children from the Bethlehem region to take part in arts, music, dance, theatre, sports, and games on daily basis. This will also be a chance for children to meet volunteers from different countries and cultures. Children will learn about their own rural.
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Almond Harvest, Almond the tree of hope (31 July – 11 aug)
August is the month of picking Almonds and apples. It is always useful to have more people sharing this significant time together with Tent of Nations, volunteers and other young people. Young people from different backgrounds will campout for ten days, during which time they will pick almonds and other fruits and also help in do the processing, like making jam. On some afternoons there will also be a special program prepared that includes general details about the land situation, orientation, lectures, workshops, documentary movies, and field trips to Bethlehem and the surrounding area.
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Grape and Fig Harvest. The branch cannot bear fruit by itself (28 Aug- 08 Sept)
Because August/September are the months of picking grapes and figs, it is always useful to have more people sharing this significant time with Tent of Nations, volunteers, and other young people. Young people from different backgrounds will campout for ten days. During this time, they will harvest different fruits and help in making grape and fig jam, dried figs and grapes, grape syrup, and grape juice. The program will have the two extremes: the educational part (including field trips, etc.) and the intense time working in the fields. Volunteers are asked to arrive early on the 27th August and leave after breakfast on the 9th of September.
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Olive Harvest. Rooted like an olive tree (23 Oct -03 Nov)
The olive harvest camp is provided for both locals and internationals. Campers will sleep at the campsite for ten days. In the morning, they will pick olives and take care of the olive trees on the farm. During some of the afternoons, there will be special programs for site-seeing tours. Throughout the day there will be other fun activities like storytelling, open discussions, games & sports, and evening gatherings around the fire. Volunteers are asked to arrive early on the 22nd of October and leave on the 4th of November after breakfast.
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Working together for a good cause in a common effort, living in an international group, meeting new people, exchanging ideas and learning from each other is a special and unique experience, not only for the project but also for each volunteer.
MotherLand 2nd Edition WorkCamp is thought in order to provide you an unforgettable experience in our land, Palestine. We want you to feel useful and, on the other hand, it is also very important to us that you get to know our occupied territory and our side of the 100 years old conflict. For that reason, we suggest you to spend 12 magnific days here letting us to show you our land and feel useful helping in needed work!
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Change created by youth for youth (Study Camp) (2-15 Jul) Through international solidarity work and skill sharing, it is possible to help empower young Palestinians to create a better reality for themselves. We try to provide as many positive options as we can in a difficult situation, recognizing that many international volunteers have quite high qualifications and skills to share with our local students, as well as, a willingness to provide assistance. Here is an outline of the workshops comprising this section of the camp: Public Speaking, English Conversation, Debating Skills, Communication Skills, Capacity/ Competency Building/ Communication Skills.
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Cultural awareness in Youth Exchange (Study Camp) (01 Aug -14 Aug)
With over sixteen year’s experience in youth exchange programs and activities; Zajel is now pleased to invite people from across the world to take part in this new experience of an International Camp. The international participants along with local volunteers will have the chance to attend classes and lectures that include topics selected by remarkable teachers for two weeks at An-Najah National University's campus.
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Knowledge saves lives (Study Camp) (10-24 Sept)
Through international solidarity work and skill sharing, it is possible to help empower young Palestinians to create a better reality for themselves. We try to provide as many positive options as we can in a difficult situation, recognizing that many international volunteers have quite high qualifications and skills to share with our local students, as well as, a willingness to provide assistance.
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Farming camp! Hiya Hiya Oh in Tunesia (4 Jul – 16 Jul)
This workcamp will be hosted in unique place in Mediterranean Sea : Gabes Oasis in Tunisia. In this vast oasis close to the sea, and not far away to montaign and desert there cultivate date palms, fruit trees and vegetable and fodder crops. You will have « Oasis lifestyle » during this workcamp in the town of Chenini Gabes. You will do during this Farm camp in Tunisia work like a farmer. You will discover strat-agriculture, typical in oasis agriculure, work with animals and make small repairs.
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Henne Festival, 34th Edition (22 Jul – 2 Aug)
You will do this workcamp in Henne Festival ! It’s a famous festival in Gabes Oasis, mainly with music, arts workshop / animation and street animation. The activities that will be carried out during the camp will link to events organisation. They will include the support in space preparation, support to the promotion of festival, re-arrengment of the place at the end of the Festival.
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Solidarity with the children of SUR in Diyarbakir, a symbol city for Kurdish people in Turkey (08 – 18 June) The association Youth and Change Association was founded to improve the sense of belonging to the city and foster participation to the city life, to assure that youths and women take an active role in the management of the quality and livability city, to bring solutions to the problems of youths and women.
The plan is to organize 10 days of "Language, Traditional Street Games and Rhythm workshops" with children of Sur. We will also be receptive of the ideas of the volunteers and will add some new workshops according to the volunteers’ skills and propositions. Furthermore, we will have one day of more physical work, in order to re-design/paint the wall of children center.
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