Consulta els camps de voluntariat disponibles!

Consulta els camps de voluntariat disponibles!
Centenars de camps de de treball internacionals ja estan disponibles a la nostra base de dades! Aquí destaquem alguns en diferents zones geogràfiques!
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System change, not climate change (Coburg) (29.07.2017 – 12.08.2017)

In the study & work camp "system change not climate change", the participants will mainly deal with the subject of ecological and social sustainability. The goal is to recognise the problems of the ecologically damaging and exploiting life styles resulting from our economic system, and focus on alternatives. The project is actively involved in the inclusive community garden “Unser bunter Garten” (“our colourful garden”), the Transition-Town-Initiative Coburg and also “dialog”, a counselling centre that does a lot of community work.
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Concentration Camp Memorial (Nordhausen) (29.07.2017 – 12.08.2017)
Dora“was founded at the end of August 1943 as a subcamp of Buchenwald concentration camp. The concentration camp inmates were forced to reconstruct a big tunnel system into a new underground rocket factory in Kohnstein Mountain near Nordhausen so that the Nazis could relocate their rocket armament to the Southern Harz Mountains. Concentration camp inmates were housed in underground facilities for months. It was not until spring 1944 that an above-ground barrack camp was built to accommodate them. Work at the area of the former inmates’ camp; uncover the foundations of a former barrack (work with stones, cut bushes, paint trees).
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Gipsy Fun Fair Gitannekesfoor (25.08.2017 – 07.09.2017)
Gitannekesfoor is a charming small-scale family festival that offers a platform for starting artists and performers (circus, music, clowns, puppetry,..). The festival is run entirely by volunteers, there are no sponsors and no publicity, all products are as local and sustainable as possible. 2017 will be the 10th edition and the fourth one with an international camp. The festival is free for children and last year we had 5700 visitors over three days.

Since last year we are cooperating closely with asylum-seekers who are also volunteering at the Gitannekesfoor.
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New energy! (Monar Gaudynki, near E?k, Masurian Lakes) (15.07.2017 – 29.07.2017)
SCI Poland has been successfully co-operating with Monar for 20 years. Monar is the largest Polish NGO dealing mainly with drug addicts. Monar runs 30 rehabilitation centres in different parts of Poland, 5 of them specialising in the therapy of young people. The Gaudynki centre is one of them. It is situated in the picturesque area of the Kingdom of the Great Masurian Lakes in the north-eastern part of Poland, among fields and forests, far from the hectic cities. In the Monar Gaudynki there are around 30 patients, between 20 and 30 years old, who work and live together undergoing a group one-year long therapy.
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Vlahi Nature School (17.06.2017 – 30.06.2017)
Vlahi Nature School is a long-term initiative, based on the principles of sustainable living, volunteering and environmental education. The Nature School is a real place, located in the village of Vlahi, Southwest Bulgaria. Over 12 years of mostly volunteer labour revived the old village school building, using traditional building techniques, combined with modern energy technologies (solar power) in order to create a demonstration and education centre for sustainable lifestyle practices and interaction with wildlife and the environment. The School features dry composting toilets, rainwater harvesting, drip irrigation for the garden, integrating the principles of sustainability and permaculture in the design of the garden and all material cycles in and around the school.
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Siuntio Reception Center (28.06.2017 – 12.07.2017)
The reception center of Siuntio offers accommodation for maximum of 40 minor asylum seekers (16-17 years old) who come to Finland without their families. The center is operating in a big brick house in an idyllic countryside located approximately 40 kilometers west from Helsinki. Since the location is quite remote, the center wants to welcome international volunteers to make the summer holidays more enjoyable for the minors, share their culture and new ideas. Some of the work will also be also done in a another asylum center in Inkoo (on the coast), which is about 20 km away from Siuntio. 
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Kurdistan turc

Solidarity with the children of SUR in Diyarbak?r, a symbol city for Kurdish people in Turkey (08.06.2017 – 18.06.2017)
The association Youth and Change Association was founded to improve the sense of belonging to the city and foster participation to the city life, to assure that youths and women take an active role in the management of the quality and livability city, to bring solutions to the problems of youths and women.

The plan is to organize 10 days of "Language, Traditional Street Games and Rhythm workshops" with children of Sur. We will also be receptive of the ideas of the volunteers and will add some new workshops according to the volunteers’ skills and propositions. Furthermore, we will have one day of more physical work, in order to re-design/paint the wall of children center.
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Cave Renovation and Fruit Harvest. What you plant, you or/and others will harvest (19.06.2017 – 30.06.2017)
The Tent of Nations project seeks to bring people of various cultures together to build bridges of understanding, reconciliation, and peace. The long-term goal of The Tent of Nations is to prepare people to make positive contributions to their future and society through the values of understanding, tolerance, and respectful coexistence. These goals are achieved through education awareness campaigns, youth empowerment, and work camps. The Tent of Nations is located on a piece of land southwest of Bethlehem 10 km away from the city near the village of Nahalin. Since 1991, the land is under threat of confiscation by the Israeli military. We are still in the Israeli courts defending our rights to the land until today – 25 years. Still we believe in justice.
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MotherLand 2nd Edition WorkCamp (22.07.2017 – 02.08.2017)
Working together for a good cause in a common effort, living in an international group, meeting new people, exchanging ideas and learning from each other is a special and unique experience, not only for the project but also for each volunteer.

MotherLand 2nd Edition WorkCamp is thought in order to provide you an unforgettable experience in our land, Palestine. We want you to feel useful and, on the other hand, it is also very important to us that you get to know our occupied territory and our side of the 100 years old conflict.

For that reason, we suggest you to spend 12 magnific days here letting us to show you our land and feel useful helping in needed work!
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Farming Camp ! Hiya Hiya Oh in Tunisia! (04.07.2017 – 16.07.2017)
This workcamp will be hosted in unique place in Mediterranean Sea : Gabes Oasis in Tunisia. In this vast oasis close to the sea, and not far away to montaign and desert. There are cultivated date palms, fruit trees and vegetable and fodder crops. You will have « Oasis lifestyle » during this workcamp in the town of Chenini Gabes. You will do this workcamp in a farm in Chenini Gabes. You will do during this Farm camp in Tunisia work like a farmer. You will discover strat-agriculture, typical in oasis agriculure, work with animals and make small repairs.
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Working with children with disabilities – Ho Chi Minh (19.06.2017 – 01.07.2017)
The aim of the program is to jointly bring care, love and happiness to disadvantaged children through volunteers’ activities.

Volunteers will be working at the Centre of Orthopedics & Rehabilitation for Disabled Children (CORDC), a joint humane project between ‘Terre des Hommes’ (Germany) and the Ministry of Labour, Invalids & Social Affairs of Vietnam, with the aim of providing rehabilitation for all paralysed children in South Vietnam. The centre opened in 1983, and in conjunction with many humane societies across the world has provided free health care to thousands of Vietnamese children. It provides rehabilitation treatment to adults & children who are usually referred here by their doctor or other hospitals.

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Tamek (10.07.2017 – 23.07.2017)
Tamek is a mountainous Buddhist village of about 500 homes in Trang province of South Thailand.Villagers started a preservation forest learning center which has also for aim to gather locals and outsiders interested in their project. To their request, we started to organize few international workcamps there since 2015. Some were more about agriculture, some about water preservation (making small dams for water use) and some more about education for local kids. This workcamp is the logic continuation of those activities.


Building a welcome Centre (28.07.2017 – 17.08.2017)
ASTOVOT, in order to be increasingly close to the deprived and disadvantaged population and given the social and economic situation in the daily life of the population, decided to provide a center for this young population which could have a better future if offered a good living. This camp site reinforces the actions already implemented in the construction of this center started last summer (July 2015). The aim of this project is to offer an environment that can encourage the blossoming of troubled young children.
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Heritage needs You(th): Conservation of Idanre Heritage (16.09.2017 – 30.09.2017)
Preserving Oke Idanre World Heritage site: the volunteers will assist in the construction of benches around the old primary school; local materials that will also reflect traditional fittings to the heritage site will be used for the construction; clearing and cleaning of the site

Promoting Heritage: Volunteer will support the local group to orchestrate awareness raising activities and facilitate actions in Idanre township that will engage young people and local community in learning issues about Heritage and Diversity. Workshops, meetings, Living library and socio-cultural events will be organized.
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