No esperis a l’estiu per fer un camp de treball, viu un hivern ple de camps!
Com ja sabreu, hi ha centenars de projectes de voluntariat de curta durada a tot el món durant tot l’any, també a l’hivern! No espereu fins l’estiu per formar-ne part i viviu un hivern ple de camps! Aquí fem un recull d’alguns dels projectes disponibles ara mateix, però per veure’ls tots podeu consultar el CERCADOR DE CAMPS. Podreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, països i temàtiques.
*Si encara no saps què és un camp i com inscriure’t pots llegir totes les condicions i passos a seguir per inscriure’t aquí.
Important: Per els següents camps és necessari tenir experiència prèvia en camps de treball i tenir més de 20 anys. També es farà una entrevista prèvia abans d’acceptar les voluntàries.
SRI LANKA: Green Peace Community Camp (2-11th Dec, 2022)
Description: CCH (Center for Children’s Happiness) is a child centered service organization, providing multi-disciplinary services for the wellbeing , protection and development of the children. Child centered community development is the primary approach of CCH to ensure the rights of children through the empowerment of families, and the development of a child -friendly environment. The core offer includes integrated early learning, care with enjoyment, family support, health services through network, and outreach services to children from village level children clubs. This children’s center is a model of multi-agency and partnership working. It is aimed to provide quality and natural learning spots and day time relaxation from the stress for children who are in such needs.
Type of Work: 1) Introduce organic home gardening and tree planting at household and community level to help the families developing their home gardening to address their current economic challenges. 2) Build up an open community theater and performing place for the children in the community for their performances, gathering and engagements. 3) Facilitate a language learning program (English and Sinhala) for 5 days in the 4 schools around the area. 4) Forest Camping – One day forest camping is planned since this Smile land is located near to the Chundikkulam National Park. This can be facilitated as a special activity with the local volunteers who can come and participate in the Forest camping to explore nature.
NAVARRA: Santuario Corazón Verde (3-11th Dec, 2022)
Description: The Animal Sanctuary ‘Corazón Verde’ was created with the idea of giving an opportunity to animals that have been exploited and objectified. It is a space created to re-establish the dignity of non-human animals and to live with them in a natural environment surrounded by freedom and respect, far from the “productivity” and slavery to which they have been subjected all their lives. ‘Corazón Verde’ aims to raise awareness among people and wants to re-establish the true natural living environment for animals. We are individuals who hold the belief that all animals deserve to be respected and have the right to live without being exploited regardless of their species.
Type of Work: If you want to participate in this project as a volunteer, it is important that you know the tasks carried out daily. The volunteers are the most asset of the Sanctuary. Without them none of this would be cause that we believe is so fair not only makes us feel fulfilled, but also more human.
NIGERIA: International Solidarity/Christmas Holiday Camp (7-19 Dec 2022)
Description: Permaculture Forest Garden (Environmental Education Centre) project teaches permaculture, environmental education and sustainability topics to the youngsters in the community. Our workcamp focuses on improving facilities on the project centre and to support practical and theoretical learning about environmental issues among volunteers and young people in local community. It offers the space for volunteers that want to learn about permaculture in practice, sustainability and environmental issues in Nigeria, and making handcraft products from waste materials
Type of work: Volunteers will plant trees and flowers and also carry out a beautification project at a public monument at Badagry. Participate in the International Volunteers day and also take part in Volunteers Expo usually organized last month of the year.
Description: The poaching of white and black rhinos remains scourge in Botswana and the rest of the world. The rhinos surviving in the wilderness of Okavango delta are threatened by the rampant poachers. The Khama rhino Sanctuary in Botswana remains the success story of sustainable protection of the rhinos in the world. It is with, this that Khama Rhino Sanctuary has remained safe heaven for the rhinos since 1998. The sanctuary has a health population of both white and black rhinos through the support of BWA and international volunteers. The objective of the workcamp is to maintain support for the protection and restoration of the facilities in the habitat of these rhinos and also provide awareness and campaign for protection of rhino population worldwide.
Type of Work: Volunteers will carry awareness on adoption of rhinos, maintain the camp sites, foot trails, waste dumping sites and fix the park fences. Volunteers will also assist in renovation of waterhole cleaning, fixing rhinos paddocks/kraals and guests ablutions. Volunteers will also join day and evening game drives. Volunteers will also partake on rhino conservation educational lectures. Volunteers will also join the rangers for their animals’ counting exercises and patrols along the park fences.
THAILAND: Koh Sukorn workcamp (Rice harvesting and activities with kids) (15-28th Dec, 2022)
Description: Koh Sukorn is a preserved island of Andaman sea in South Thailand. During this work camp, we will have a chance to join hands with the community members to preserve the local agriculture while we can learn about their way of living. Moreover, we will be creating activities and games with children and young people to open their views and let them learn about international culture together with the volunteers. We will need your creativity and ideas of games and activities that will create a multi-cultural atmosphere for them. This year they want to build a small, compact learning center in the activity area to give space to kids to do activities together.
Type of Work: – Working in the rice fields – Growing edible vegetables in the local host’s planting area – Making compost, taking care of paddy field or making bio-fertilizer – Creating games and activities for kids. There will be around 20-30 of kindergarten’s age and primary’s – Learning and integrating in the fisherman’s lifestyle
CAMBODIA: Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) – (03rd – 14th Jan 2023)
Description: After 4 years of progress, we are now transforming CYA – Learning Center (CLC) into the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) where we will expand our work from education into community development. The center will include activities such as vegetable farm, solar installation, and improve the quality and expand the market for soap products. Of course, we are continuing to improve our education program for local children and teenagers. We will include computers, arts, and music into its existing English classes. CSD is located in a remote area of Kampot province. It takes about 2 hours 30 minutes from Phnom Penh. We are looking forward to working with you and your volunteers!
Type of work: Volunteers are going to work in various activities such as organizing ceremonies and events with local people, teaching English, music, arts, and sports to children, and working with local people in income generation programs.
THAILAND: Ban salanam School (Activities with kids at a primary school) (8-21 Jan, 2023)
Description: Ban salanam School is a very small school in Banphrao, Papayom district, Phatthalung province, Southern Thailand. The school director, who shares our values, would like to welcome volunteers, to improve English skills for students to be able to communicate in this language. Volunteers can help to organize English lessons or other fun activities with the 118 students from kindergarten to Grade 6 (6-12 years old). The English skills of the students are very poor. They are not familiar with foreigners. You can experience the local way of life, exchange with other volunteers, villagers and support the children education
Type of Work: Give non-formal English classes and other fun activities with the students. Create teaching materials for teacher and kids. Activities with villagers: cleaning the temple area, sport activities, homemade cooking dessert.
THAILAND: Kok Payom (learning community, fishermen, forest management) (22nd Jan – 04th Feb 2023)
Description: Kok Payom is a strong Muslim fishermen community from Satun province, Southern Thailand. Over 30 families of the village gathered to protect the biodiversity of their mangrove forest for over 15 years and to be responsible for the social life of the village. With DaLaa, we have supported them since 2009 by sending short and long term volunteers. This work camp will focus on building the tree house for the Long term volunteers and visitors, and to renovate the community meeting place , volunteers will be able to share the energy of the community.
Type of work: During those 2 weeks, you will be joining the long term volunteers there. The main work will be:
– To help the team for tree house building to be accommodation for long term volunteers and visitor
– Renovating/adjusting surrounding at community meeting place
– Organizing activities with kids especially on Sundays at KlongTohLem Academy
– Learning the local life of this fisherman’s village, Kok Payom
TAILANDIA: VSC (Kids Holiday Camps) (3rd – 16th Apr 2023)
Description: During those 2 weeks, we want to organize 3 children camps at DaLaa Voluntary Service Community in Kok Riang village. Each camp would take 3 days and involve different Thai children from 7 to 13 years old. We will keep 1 or 2 days in between to relax, evaluate, and prepare the next one. The activities and camp’s daily life organized by volunteers should be strongly connected with our community values, authenticity, responsibility and inclusion. Besides, they should allow children to be in a harmonious and safe environment. The English language is poorly understood by the children, so we’ll have to find possibilities to overcome this challenge with the help from our coordinator and Thai volunteers.
Type of work: In this workcamp, we will combine 3 camps with the 3 groups of children described above. Each camp would last 3 days. We expect the groups of 10-15 children maximum mainly aged from 7 to 13 years old. The children will be sleeping with us and so taking care of daily life which is as important as other activities. We’ll have a few DaLaa coordinators, Thai, and foreign volunteers. We expect all of us to be fully active and responsible for the children and planning for activities. One person involved in this camp would need to lead at least one activity for the kids. We will organize some online ideas of preparation before the workcamp start to get an idea of each volunteer skills and proposition. Any idea is welcome from art, sport, games, English language (basic), theatre, cooking, etc
Description: The rural exodus and youth migration are important issues in Senegal. The goal of the association “Inter Ententes des Groupements Associés du Sénégal” (made up of 13 sections of the Ententes), is to raise awareness among the local population, mainly young people, about the importance of local and sustainable development, of ensuring longevity of traditions, while not neglecting the contribution of modernity and of giving meaning to peasant work as an source of income but also of personal fulfillment. Its current missions are to seek technical and financial means to set up: the supply of seeds and fertilizers as credits farmers repay with their harvest; marketing and support for cooperatives and field research for sustainable projects that aim to emancipate young people and women.
Type of work: To support all this, the National Agency for Integration and Agricultural Development (ANIDA) subsidized the creation of an incubation center with the aim of contributing to food security of population and the eradication of poverty for the households members of the Koumpentoum “Entente”. The center wishes to promote the controlled and sustainable transformation of family farms in order to offer young farmers satisfactory living condition that allow them to stay in their land as economic and social actors. The volunteers will do manual work. Planting and harvesting in the large plantation areas of the center: peppers, sweet potatoes, okra, tomatoes, beans, etc. Volunteers could also be involved in the building of the farm infrastructures.
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