Camps de treball a Europa i a Catalunya aquest estiu!

voluntaris participen a un camp de treball a catalinua

Ampliem el llistat de camps de treball a Europa i Catalunya aquest estiu. No perdis l’oportunitat de participar en un projecte de voluntariat transformador! #CampemArreu

Hi ha centenars de projectes de voluntariat transformador de curta durada durant tot l’any, però a l’estiu es multipliquen les opcions. Tot i que no hi ha una data límit d’inscripció als camps de treball, és a partir d’aquest moment que la base de dades de projectes comença a omplir-se d’oportunitats. El context segueix sent complex a causa de la Covid19 i és per això que recomanem participar en projectes de voluntariat europeus o locals.  No t’ho perdis, aquest estiu, #CampemArreu!

En la primera notícia ja recollíem alguns dels projectes disponibles ara mateix i ara, en aquest post, ampliem la llista amb alguns camps nous. Tot i això, però, per veure’ls tots també pots consultar el CERCADOR DE CAMPS. Podreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, països i temàtiques.

*Si encara no saps què és un camp i com inscriure-t’hi pots llegir totes les condicions i passos a seguir per inscriure’t aquíNo en tens prou? Vine a una xerrada informativa sobre els camps de treball!

ITALY: Art beyond the walls (10th – 20th June)

Description: The camp is organised with the Director of the prison of Gorgona, where SCI made camps in the 90s. This camp involves the creation and restoration of mural paintings, with the direct involvement of prisoners and prison staff, and the promotion of the principles of international volunteering (i.e. sharing, solidarity, peace, fight against prejudices, inclusion).

Type of Work: Volunteers will work together with inmates mainly on the remaking of a mural painting created in the 1994 SCI camp, located in the village of the island, outside the detention area and on a new mural with the inscription of Article 27 of the Italian Constitution (defense of unhuman treatment in prison).

DENMARK: Midsommer Festival 2022 (13th – 23rd June)

Description: Midsommer Festival is organized by a group of cultural entrepreneurs whose mission is to create a unique festival, which brings people together from all of Denmark, for a celebration of life, love and music. They are a team of people who have been making this festival since 2013, and enjoy building and cleaning up as much as they enjoy the actual festival days.

Type of Work: Decorating the festival area with lights, artworks, etc. Also manual labour as digging holes, carrying heavy festival supplies or building tasks etc and stage work such as assembling and disassembling the stages, bartending, welcoming guests/artists, cleaning and checking wristbands.

FRANCE: Let’s rebuild a French Fortress (10th – 25th July)

Description: The association “Les Amis du Fort de Jouy” is working on the renovation of the military fort at Jouy-sous-les-Côtes. The fort is located in the East of France and its objective was to protect France against possible German attacks in the 19th centuries. Since 2002, the association has been working on its development: visits are organized for tourists and it is also often used for cultural and artistic events.

Type of Work: The tasks will be very different from day to day: you may be asked to renovate walls, paint doors, create mortar and replace stones in a wall. But you could also show the fortress to tourists. We are therefore counting on you to take turns and ensure that everyone has fun!

SWEDEN: Storholmen Viking Village (14th July – 8th August)

Description: When you mention the word ‘Viking’ to anyone they will conjure up images of fierce warriors burning and slaughtering their way across Europe. But the Vikings had more sides to their nature, which is shown at Storholmen Viking Village, where visitors are encouraged to take part in activities that demonstrate how everyday life was led in the Viking Age.

Type of Work: Work includes guiding visitors, showing/working with ancient handicraft and working in café. This will include activities with children. Thus, it is a big advantage if the volunteers enjoy working with children. First four days are dedicated to learning the job so that you are comfortable when you start.

POLAND: New Energy! (30th July – 13th August)

Description: Monar is the largest Polish NGO helping mainly people with drug addictions and runs 30 rehabilitation centers in different parts of Poland. In this therapy center there are around 30 patients, between 18 and 30 years old, coming from different backgrounds and areas of Poland, who work and live together undergoing a group one-year long therapy.

Type of Work: The main task of volunteers is to socialize with the community by helping them in their everyday work (gardening, cleaning, working in the kitchen, taking care of animals,..) and participate in activities with them. Also, volunteers will go with the patients and therapists on a trip near the lakeside to do some kayaking.

GERMANY: Fairytale Castle Becomes Cultural Space (30th July – 14th August)

Description: The castle garden is laid out in Renaissance style and is often used for weddings, dance evenings and yoga workshops, now you can help revitalize it and make it blossom once again. Help with garden  work so that the beautiful fairytale castle and the historic vaulted cellar can be used for cultural events.

Type of Work: The main task of volunteers is to remove centuries-old rubble from the historic vaulted cellar, maintenance work in the garden, planning a flea market as well as learning more about the history of the hanging garden, monument conservation, and architecture.

KOSOVO: Gracanica (4th – 14th August)

Description: Since 2016, GAIA is running an alternative educational space located in the Roma neighbourhood in Gracanica. It functions mainly through the presence of international volunteers and local members, who support the children and youth by teaching basic knowledge, running activities including games, learning languages, arts and crafts…

Type of Work: The volunteers will be involved in the organization of daily activities. Activities will focus on variety of arts and crafts, music workshops, understanding nature, environment, human rights workshops, language learning, sports and recreation activities, and  more, imagination has no bounds!

FINLAND: Art And Nature In Korpilahti (12th – 21st August)

Description: The village association of Northern Korpilahti organizes activities for the residents of 5 villages.One of the local attractions is a cottage at lake Hangasjärvi, which has served as a resting place for local hiking routes and as a gathering spot for events. The village association is responsible for the cottage area.

Type of Work: The volunteers will use their creativity and art materials from nature to fix up the new outside toilets of the camping sites in the area and give them a new look. Volunteers may also do some smaller upkeeping tasks in the cottage area and participate in the daily tasks of the camp.

SLOVAKIA: Black Castle (14th – 20th August)

Description: The association Black Castle is focused on promoting Black Castle ruins for the local tourism and it is involved in carrying out archaeological research and restoration of the castle. The archaeological excavations are performed by using traditional methods and materials during the restoration works. Workcamps have been organized here since 2005.

Type of Work: This workcamp will involve manual work on the ruins of the castle, such as walling, preparing mortar, cleaning the working area in and around the ruins of the castle, sorting stones, carrying materials (rocks, sand, …) to the castle, cutting grass. No building and archeological experience are needed.

AUSTRIA: Nature Across Borders (4th – 18th September)

Description: National Parks Thayatal and Podyjí are looking for motivated volunteers, which help them doing nature conservation work in both national parks. National Parks Thayatal and Podyjí oversee the protection and ecological development of their respective regions, with their particular biodiversity. Some areas in Thayatal and Podyjí need ongoing management to form sustainable habitats for rare species.

Type of Work: Volunteers will remove invasive plants to prevent irreversible anthropogenic effects on the ecosystem and also mow or rake dry grassland areas and selectively remove bushes and small trees to prevent the forest from overgrowing these species-rich open habitats.


BARCELONA: II Youth Act! International Forum (13th to 17th June)

Description: Youth Act! is a wide project led by SCI Catalonia and CJB that started in 2021 with the aim of fostering debates, discussions and action(s) among young people throughout the world. We see ‘Youth Act!’ as a big umbrella under which we organize different kinds of activities in order to promote youth active participation.

Type of Work: This forum is thought as an opportunity in which activists from different territories of the mediterranean region, committed to different struggles related to global justice, will have the chance to connect with each other, exchange experiences, work and share good practices, and discuss and build up shared strategies to foster social transformation.

ARBÚCIES: Natural spaces recovery in Arbúcies (9th – 24th July)

Description: The project will be carried out in mountainous town of Arbúcies, focusing on the rehabilitation of an old dry pond and the river stream. The work will consist of conditioning the pond, restore it, planting the necessary vegetation, and finally redirecting the river and reintroducing some species that are considered key to its biodiversity.

Type of Work: The main purpose is to rehabilitate a dry pond. This will involve cleaning up the space (removing soil, uprooting weeds…) and rehabilitation tasks (planting plants, building a small wall, shaping the ground …). Working conditions will be 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week (Mon-Fri).

ROVIRA NOVA: Labyrinth in the Rovira Nova workcamp (18th – 28th July)

Description: The purpose of the Rovira Nova space is to generate personal and collective transformation processes through regular activities such as peace dances, yoga, meditations, theater and various body awareness therapies (TCI, Río Abierto, Taichi, biodance, etc.). They do not currently have a website. They communicate via email.

Type of Work: The main task of the workcamp is to constuct a labyrinth of mediation in the location.Other activities that can be done are talks, debates, outings and visits of interest to the topic, artistic expression activities, street actions, discovery of other projects.

VALLS: Can Pipirimosca (24th July – 7h August)

Description: Can Pipirimosca is an ecological farm where agriculture, far from being the main objective, is the means that allows the organization of cultural and associative activities. From the operation as a farm, a production is obtained that allows self-sufficiency and the possibility of making a sustainable lifestyle and consistent with the environment.

Type of Work: You will have an experience depply ecological, sustainable food, no coffee etc. The main project will be to help in the maintenance of a shed next to the house which will be the space where courses, workshops will be held. You should be advised that the work to be done will be mostly physical.

blankTINENÇA DE BENIFASSÀ: Let’s build an Iberian house! (8th-19th August)

Description: Why was ART (Association for the Recovery of Tenure) born? We are in a time of great change within our environment. We want the people of the region to be the protagonists of these changes we will work so that its growth is carried out from a point of view sustainable, to get more resources and for growth to have an impact on people which is still inhabiting the territory and which therefore keeps it alive. We organise this workcamp because we believe that community life and contact with the local population are key aspects of the international volunteering to reduce distances, share experiences and understand different lifestyles, habits and ways of seeing the world.

Type of Work: The work will be mostly manual and it will consist of the clay construction of a replica house from the Iberian period, using experimental archeology techniques. We have the collaboration of techniques in biodynamic construction and two others in experimental archeology.

VALL DE SIARB: Recovery of old roads and dry stone building elements and discovery of an unusual valley in the Pyrenees (26th September – 7th October)

Description: BalmesBlancs is an association that started its activity by organizing thematic experiences in nature with the aim of knowing the environment in different topics, such as: canyoning with geology, snowshoeing with learning snow , trips to the sea with knowledge of marine fauna, etc.

Type of Work: The technical work that will be carried out in the field of work consists in different related tasks with improving the paths of the Valley. The following are the main ones: Clearing roads; Rebuild the dry stone wall sections; Remove stones from the road; Improvement of paved sections; Improved signage with paint.

BARCELONA: FESC – Fair of Economical Solidarity Catalonia (21st – 29th October)

Description: The Solidarity Economy Fair of Catalonia is the time of year when all the entities in the field are grouped in the same space and debate on the role of another economy in Catalonia. At the same time, it means an extra workload. This is an opportunity for a good exchange between people interested in the movement of alternative economies.

Type of Work: The volunteers’ tasks will consist of supporting the logistics of the Solidarity Economy Fair of Catalonia. For example: the preparation of the material, the assembly of the space, the distribution of materials and the disassembly of the Fair, among others.

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