Categoria: Catalunya

My experience in the Youth Act International Forum

My experience in the Youth Act International Forum

By Athar Shtiwe After participating in the International Forum Youth Act I, luckily, I was invited to participate in the International Forum Youth Act II. We were a group of young people from different parts of the Mediterranean and on the 13th of June, we arrived and started our journey in the beautiful city of...

Fighting Global Challenges in the Peaceweek

Fighting Global Challenges in the Peaceweek

By Marzia and Hannah For one week in March, we – activists, youth workers and educators – came together in Barcelona for the Peaceweek, a training seminar on the linkages between the climate crisis, (forced) migration and displacement. Our group consisted of 21 people from the Euro-Mediterranean region. All focusing on different issues – the...

My ESC project in SCI Catalunya

My ESC project in SCI Catalunya

Per Bogumiła Hładki Time flies and good things come to the end as they say. It was like yesterday when I came to Barcelona to start my ESC project in the office of SCI branch. I remember the advice given to me by the previous ESC volunteer: enjoy every moment of your project as it...

Un intercanvi juvenil de construcció i diàleg intercultural als Pirineus lleidatans, Vall de Siarb

Un intercanvi juvenil de construcció i diàleg intercultural als Pirineus lleidatans, Vall de Siarb

Per Alberto Tarragó Un any més el SCI-Cat amb la col·laboració de – SCI Irlanda, SCI-Italia, – Para One (Portugal) va realitzar un Youth Exchange sobre interculturalitat, racisme, inclusió, gènere, lluita contra els estereotips… Durant 10 dies participants d’arreu del món van conviure junts al Refugi de la Vall de Siarb, Llagunes. Un paisatge idíl·lic...

Study camp: Nonviolence as a tool for social mobilization

Study camp: Nonviolence as a tool for social mobilization

From 11 to 15 December 2017, we welcomed an international group in a study camp on non-violent resistance. We received a group of international SCI activists with whom we debated and reflected on the social movements in Catalonia as tools of non-violent resistance based on the discovery of different groups. We offered some activities open...

1m3 de deixalles, esperit ‘pipi’

1m3 de deixalles, esperit ‘pipi’

Per Alba Danés Boix Diumenge cap al tard, principis d’agost, arribem a Can Pipirimosca, una finca situada a 20 minuts caminant del centre de Valls (Alt Camp). Som 13 voluntaris de l’SCI, venim d’Itàlia, el Kazakhstan, la República Txeca, Dinamarca, Rússia, Alemanya, Sèrbia i Catalunya. Ens reb en Pere Vidal, ell és qui gestiona Can...