By Simone Sgarbossa This is the recipe for a year-long European Solidarity Corps (ESC) project with SCI Catalunya, a unique blend of learning, social action, and community building. ESC projects are dedicated to direct involvement that makes a difference, from supporting social justice to promoting environmental awareness and intercultural exchange. In this “dish,” you’ll find...
Categoria: Catalunya
Let’s keep learning and growing together!
By Lucía Laborda The first weekend of July I had the opportunity to participate as a member of the BOFO in the training of volunteers who are going to participate on SCI work camps this summer. It was my first experience as a trainer for the SCI, and I just can say that I’m very...
Climate and migrations peaceweek: connecting the dots
By Alex, Laura, Elise and Timo Last week, the Peaceweek was back at SCI Catalunya! It was an extraordinary gathering of international young minds eager to delve into global issues. The sessions covered a mixture of themes, focusing on our local contexts, (neo)colonialism, capitalism, climate debt, and narratives of climate migration. As we navigated through...
“This experience was extremely empowering”: ESC in SCI Catalunya
By JAGODZIŃSKA I got to know SCI Catalunya a couple of months before I decided to apply for the ESC position. After taking a break from activism for quite some time I was looking for a way to get back on my feet and try something new. I saw a lot of potential in the...
“It was a pleasure to become a part of the children’s growth”
By JAGODZIŃSKA Last two weeks of June I spent away from my intensive life in the center of Barcelona and I coordinated a camp in a Chestnut Tree School close to Llinars del Valles. Surrounded by trees, fresh air, sheeps, mosquitos and running children I learned a lot about an alternative way of teaching the...
L’experiència de Justícia Climàtica al Fòrum de Transició Ecososcial
Per Justícia Climàtica El 24 i 25 de febrer va tenir lloc el Fòrum de Transició Ecososcial, un espai, organitzat per la XES, que tenia l’objectiu d’ajuntar diverses entitats de l’economia social i solidària, i moviments que treballen per la transició ecosocial a Catalunya. El fòrum, amb diverses sessions i activitats que van tenir lloc...
Presentation and discussion about the narratives around climate responsibility
By Jagodinska On Friday 3rd of March I had the pleasure to conduct a workshop on the narratives around the climate responsability. The main aim of this workshop was to deconstruct the idea of blaming individuals for the current climate crisis. Through presenting a small part of the scientific view on climate change together with...
Permaculture’s volunteering in Mas Les Vinyes
By David Giannini My name is David, I am from Italy and I just finished my long term volunteering in the permaculture farm of “Mas Les Vinyes” that is a project supported by SCI Catalonia. I remembered having chosen to take part in this experience after getting my history degree in university. I wanted to...
Au revoir Brussel·les! Hola Barcelona! El meu ESC a Catalunya. Episodi 1.
Per Joachim-Emmanuel Baudhuin Bon dia a tots i a totes, sóc el Joachim, un dels dos nous ESC de la branca de l’SCI Catalunya a Barcelona! Sóc belga i vaig arribar aquí el 29 de setembre. Tens ganes de saber com és la vida d’un ESC a Barcelona? Allons-y! El meu ESC va “començar” el...
My experience as a participant in the Grassroots Training of Trainers
By Mirko Ornielli Between the 2nd and the 9th of October 2022, I was one of the 20 participants of the training of trainers of work camp coordinators, organized by SCI Catalunya with the collaboration of several international partners. We were coming from different countries in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa and we were staying at...