Categoria: Palestina

My experience in the Eco-camp in Palestine

My experience in the Eco-camp in Palestine

By Cristina Ferret Pérez A group of international volunteers and I traveled to Al’masara to work alongside local volunteers in an eco resistance camp. This project constitutes a peaceful act of resistance to the systematic Israeli Illegal occupation over Palestinian territory. I was able to see firsthand how life is under the Israeli Apartheid regime...

Going one step further: experience from the Youth Green Deal project

Going one step further: experience from the Youth Green Deal project

By Mar González Service Civil International has promoted a culture of peace for more than 100 years through the organization of international workcamps. Environmental workcamps have always taken up a significant share of all projects, and many initiatives were taken to put environmental issues at the forefront. Still, in 2014 SCI launched the campaign “A...