El camp de voluntariat tindrà lloc a un jaciment arqueològic de Muro (Mallorca) del 14 al 27 de febrer
El desplaçament està pagat. Per a més informació podeu contactar a incoming@sci-cat.org
Aquí una mica més de desripció del camp:
Description: This workcamp will be based on an archeological site on the island of Mallorca. Volunteers will be responsible for its cleaning, preserving and accessibility. They will also play a very important role on connecting the local population with cultural heritage, since the residents are increasingly heterogeneous and unaware of their own surroundings. Volunteers will really have the chance of becoming familiar with the island's social and cultural reality.
Type of Work: The tasks of the volunteers will be paving and cleaning materials accumulated over the archaeological remains. Making it accessible for visitors is also very important, so volunteers will move rocks and cut bushes to open paths and facilitate access. The field is part of a larger project for the enhancement of the historical heritage of the town and continues to be held under the supervision of an archaeologist.
Study Theme: Volunteers will understand how this archaeological heritage is used as a way to consolidate the local community. The local organization will take volunteers on some tours for them to discuss these issues that will be worked on every day in the field.
Accommodation: Volunteers will be placed on a rural hotel, in double bungalows with bathroom inside. The kitchen will be closed since meals will be brought already cooked. Please bring a sleeping bag!
Language: The language spoken by the local team and volunteering during the workcamp will be English, although the local language is Catalan/Castellano.
Requirements: No previous experience required.
Approximate Location: Mallorca (Spain)