Es busca una voluntària d'entre 18 i 30 anys per participar en les activitats d'un refugi d'ossos a Croàcia del 15 de juny al 15 d'agost. No t'ho pensis més i escriu-nos abans del 29 de maig!
Speak for the bears – 2 months EVS in Kuterevo refuge
Velebit Association Kuterevo from Croatia is looking for 12 volunteers, between 17 and 30 years of age, coming from ERASMUS+ programme countries and partner countries from the Western Balkans, who are willing to join Kuterevo Bear Refuge, and “Speak for the bears”, as a part of an EVS project (European Voluntary Service), for 2 months, during summer 2017, from 15th of June till 15th of August.
The EVS volunteers group will be an important part of a big volunteers family, since there will be a few other volunteering programs (workcamps and scouts) undergoing in Kuterevo at the same period. Some of the main tasks that will be expected of EVS volunteers to fulfil include:
- being Bear’s advocates / messangers who will spread the story of the bears in the refugee and bears in the wild
- welcoming and informing visitors, including groups
- support coordination of other voluntary groups (scouts and international SCI workcamps)
Apart from the primary tasks, volunteers will also support the refuge and Volunteers’ Station in some of the following activities:
- construction work: digging and building new enclosures for animals
- maintaining existing facilities
- gardening and collecting food for the bears
- prepare program and exhibitions for village feasts
- documenting events and life in the village as well as cultural and natural heritage
The volunteers are expected to learn in non formal and experiential way:
- basic Croatian
- how to coordinate intenrational groups of youngsters (training will be provided)
- sustainable and simple living in an international community of volunteers
- about bear biology, ecology, mythology, conservation aspects
- about deep interconnectedness among all living beings and role of bears in the web of life
- living with limited Internet connectivity and in connection with nature
- living with other people with very diverse backgrounds
- how to deal with problems and solutions
Living conditions:
- volunteers will be accommodated in the houses of local families, in the rooms shared with other volunteers,, but sometimes it will be needed to stay in a forest camp;
- food (vegetarian, local, seasonal) will be prepared together with other volunteers in the Volunteers’ Station
- food, accommodation, travel costs, insurance and pocket money covered through EVS program
Expectations from volunteers:
- It is more than welcome, but not obligatory, that the volunteer has some previous experience in coordination of groups or workcamps and different types of outdoor work and activities.
- volunteers should be ready for simple and communal way of living with dozen of other volunteers, interested in nature/bear conservation and coexistence with wilderness.
- volunteers should be ready for a very intensive summer,
- should be able to take over responsibilities and tasks agreed on and is flexible towards needs and priorities of the project,
- should have a Sending organization with valid EVS accreditation.
For more information about volunteering in Kutervo and previous EVS projects, you can check volunteers’ blog
Si ja t'hi estàs imaginant, envia'ns la teva carta de motivació i CV abans del 29 de maig a