Coordina un camp de treball aquest estiu!

Coordina un camp de treball aquest estiu!

Has fet un camp de treball amb l’SCI? Aquest any tens l’oportunitat de coordinar-ne un al territori!

Si tens experiència participant de camps de treball i tens ganes de viure una nova experiència intercultural, pots fer de coordinadora d’un camp de treball.

Pots participar d’algun dels camps que organitzem al territori (Catalunya, País Valencià o Illes Balears) assumint la figura de coordinador/a d’un grup de voluntaris i voluntàries. Només cal que tinguis experiència en camps de treball o grups interculturals, bon nivell d’anglès i ganes de participar-hi!

Les tasques de la persona coordinadora són:
 Fer d’enllaç i vetllar per la bona comunicació entre el grup i l’entitat promotora.
– Gestionar el temps, l’espai de treball i les estones de lleure, tot facilitant l’autogestió del grup i el bon funcionament del camp.
– La persona coordinadora és voluntària, i per tant, s’espera que tot el grup doni suport en aquesta coordinació.

Si hi estàs interessat/ada, envia un correu a el més aviat possible! A continuació pots veure els camps pels quals necessitem persones coordinadores:

blankTINENÇA DE BENIFASSÀ: Let’s build an iberian house – Experimental Archaeology (23rd March – 1st April) [JA TENIM COORDIS]

We’re witnessing rapid changes in our environment & the protagonists of it ought to be locals aiming to keep it alive & attractive to live in through sustainable land cultivation.In our association we engage in four areas: Culture:ART grew out of our care for culture, to recover the history and heritage of our region Urban environment:We defend responsible and sustainable growth in the Natural Park
Territory:We collaborate with hiking centers and we try to protect nature by cultivating natural forests and agriculture; Infrastructures:We create good quality infrastructures to prevent the depopulation of the region; By reconstructing one of the houses in the Iberian site of Morranda using experimental archaeology you can better understand the Iberian world and help cultural tourism there.
Type of work: The work will be mostly manual and it will consist in the clay construction of a replica house from the Iberian period, using experimental archaeology techniques. We will have the support provided by a collaboration with technicians in biodynamic construction and two others in experimental archaeology.

VALL DE SIARB: Recovery of old roads and dry stone building in an unusual valley in Pyrenees (5th – 16th May) [JA TENIM COORDIS]blank

Description: One year more, the Vall de Siarb shelter will host a camp about territorial conservation. The group of participants will collaborate in the cleaning and reconstruction of the old rural roads of the valley, collaborating with the Museum of Paths Project that was created by the entity. Participants will be able to enjoy a unique natural environment in the valley of the High Pyrenees.

Type of work: We will be working on restoring and improving old roads: cleaning and clearing paths, rebuilding dry stone walls, placing stones, and improving trail marks with paint or better signalling. We will spend the working hours, surrounded by forests and fields, there is also an orchard and garden. To be noted: the work is mostly manual and physical.


blankELS PORTS: APLEC Festival – Toghether, people, keep the momentum (21st – 27th of July) [Necessitem 1 coordi]

Description: The Aplec dels Ports is a day of celebration and revindication that is held annually in the towns of the historic region of the Ports of Morella. (Castello). It was held for the first time in 1978 and since then it has been repeated annually. The Aplec gathers several thousand people annually and combines both recreational activities such as concerts or theaters, as well as other more revindictive ones focused on the defense of the language and culture of the region as well as the demand for improvements in the infrastructures, such as the healthcare sistem, the roads for the towns of the region… etc . It is common among the editions of the Gathering that each one has a slogan that emphasizes the revindictive nature.

Type of work: The work will consist on the following: Assisting with setting up stages, tents, tables, chairs and other infrastructure before the festival begins and helping to dismantle and clean up afterward. Helping with the organization and coordination of festival activities, including managing schedules, guiding participants, and ensuring smooth operation of events providing information. Distributing promotional materials, engaging with the community. Helping with the preparation, distribution, of food and beverages at the festival. Cultural Exchange Activities: Participating in and creating cultural exchange activities, workshops, or performances.( depending on how motivated and creative you wanna be! )

MONTELLÀ I MARTINET: Bunker Restoration Project: Shedding Light on History (22nd – 29th July) [JA TENIM COORDIS]blank

Description: Due to the significant and exceptional heritage existing in the Montellà i Martinet area regarding post-Civil War defense constructions, there arises the need to recover, protect and showcase these military engineering works.The aim of the camp is twofold: on the one hand, to recover a heritage element. On the other hand, and no less important, the exchange of ideas value this heritage beyond our borders, generate synergies between the local young people, as well as with the rest of the town. Exchange of ideas, perceptions and above all the sharing of historical facts shared between different countries of the world that clearly marked a turning point in universal history. From the Second World War to the fascist dictatorships that took over the societies of the 20th century.

Type of work:
The trenches and fortifications to be recovered have never been used. Therefore, in the initial phase of the project, the tasks primarily involve clearing vegetation such as shrubs or relatively small plants. Over the years, some medium-sized trees have also grown within the trenches, which will need to be removed using tools provided by the organization. In any case, the tools used on a daily basis will mainly be pruning shears, small saws, or shovels for removing soil. It will also be necessary to remove all pruned and cut vegetation and weeds.

blankÀGER: From scratch to skyline: Cultivating Rural Transit (24th July – 4th August) [Necessitem 1 coordi]

Description: Neorurals Assoc. mission is helping all the people residing in cities but interested in rural lifestyles find solutions that can facilitate this transition. All our actions are based on a central idea: cultural development of the rural environment. For many years now, as the countryside has been losing population, many cultural activities that used to take place there have been disappearing due to migration to urban areas. Thus there is a cultural degradation & a lot of our ancestral´s knowledge is disappearing due to no longer being useful in the urban lifestyle. Reversing this situation& promoting a permanent return to rural areas requires work on the revival of certain cultural components. Only in this way we can create a vicious circle where culture brings people& people bring more culture.

Type of work: For the planting of trees we first have to dig a lot of holes and build an irrigation system. We plan to plant many fruit trees in the 5 hectares of field that we have at our disposal. As for the construction of the agricultural warehouse, the most complicated parts are made by professionals specialized in construction. However, the warehouse will have a roof full of aromatic herbs that need to be planted. Other tasks include wall painting, and arranging the wood. DIY skills will be needed for the construction of the dry toilet where recycled materials will be used including wood panels and hay that we will have to collect from the neighbouring farms. The working tasks will always be easy and safe.

blankTARRAGONA: Festival La iMAGInada (5th – 16th August) [JA TENIM COORDIS]

Description: We are happy to invite you to our festival La iMAGInada 2024 !! The iMAGInada is a self-sustaining festival promoted by a cultural association formed by young people with a concern: to offer an alternative to the current economic, social and cultural model through the creation of spaces for exchange, empowerment, participation, dynamic and self-sustainability in the framework of the annual festivities of the city. For four days, the iMAGInada is a community initiative that offers cultural and artistic programes. The festival becomes a critical and creative space around: the dissemination of artists and local associative movements, exchange of knowledge, social inclusion, reflection and individual growth,& intercultural contact. More info on:

Type of work: Volunteers will help in tasks related to preparations and logistics for the festival: assembling and dismantling of the spaces and infrastructure, setting of space, activities for the children, preparing the social activities (such as forums, world dinners, etc), supporting the kitchen and the bar of the festival and other tasks helping the organization.

blankBARCELONA: FESC- Solidarity Economy Fair of Catalonia (15th – 22nd October) [Necessitem 2 coordis]

Description: The Solidarity Economy Fair of Catalonia is the time of the year when all the entities in the field are grouped in the same space and they debate on the role of a different type of economy in Catalonia. At the same time, it means an extra workload. This is an opportunity for a good exchange between people interested in the movement of alternative economies and those who can lend a hand in the assembly and sustainment of the XI FESC.

Type of work: The volunteers’ tasks will consist of supporting the logistics of the Solidarity Economy Fair of Catalonia. For example: the preparation of the material, the assembly of the space, the distribution of materials and the disassembly of the Fair, among others.
Minimum age: 16 years old.

Si hi estàs interessat/ada, envia un correu a el més aviat possible!