Busquem una persona per coordinar un camp sobre permacultura a Moçambic juntament amb una voluntària local a partir de la metodologia ‘Job shadowing’. Del 8 al 29 d’agost
Per participar d’aquesta activitat només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte
The job shadowing project will last 21 days. In these 21 days the volunteer will co-coordinate a work camp (8th -22nd of August) and then, for the rest of the days (until the 29th of August), the volunteer will use the rest of the days to discover the reality of the partner organization in Mozambique, AJOV. So the volunteer can decide to arrive some days before or after the camp.
The main objective of this activity is to put two organizations in contact and give to the job shadowers the possibility to know a different reality and learn from it.
LEARNING METHODS: Learning methods will be based in non formal education and democratic participation. The interactions will be horizontal to create a transformative facilitation style and sharing space. The mentoring tools will also be used to follow-up on the job shadower. The job shadower will keep a diary as a personal reflection tool but also as a way to keep track of important issues. The diary will be used in the mid term and final evaluation to give feedback to the host organisation.
CAMP ACTIVITIES: Promotion of Sustainable permaculture; Working with the local farmers; Working with the local community to develop social & community work.
Language: Portuguese and English; welcomed to learn and speak to locals!
The project is completely covered by the European commission funds.
Where? Permaculture, Namaacha District, Maputo Province
Dates: 08th – 29th of August 2022
Interested? Write to voluntariat@scicat.org now!