Vols ser coordinadora d’un intercanvi juvenil?

Vols ser coordinadora d’un intercanvi juvenil?

Busquem una persona coordinadora per l’intercanvi juvenil ‘Living library week’ que tindrà lloc a Roma del 4 al 13 de maig del 2022

Per participar dels seminaris o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte

A group of young people from Italy, Catalonia, Greece, Hungary, and Austria will have the opportunity to explore together the themes of emotional intelligence and interpersonal relations, through the Living Library tool. Together we will become living books ready to tell our stories and to be read by other young people.

What does a Group Leader do?
BEFORE the Youth Exchange:

  •  Participate in 2 online meetings with the organizational team
  • Support the people who coordinate the project in the preparation of the online preparatory meeting (APV)
  • Help with the logistics of your group (organize trips, prepare meetings with the group, collect specific needs)
  • Help in the selection and preparation of participants and activities

DURING the Youth Exchange:

  • Responsible for your group (well-being, motivation, and team spirit)
  • Support the implementation of activities
  • Daily evaluation within the group
  • Being responsible for the Exchange program and program

AFTER the Exchange:

  • Support the reporting
  • Helping with the administration (collect tickets, photos, reports, assessments, etc.)

If you need more information, READ THE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS.

When: 4th to 13th of May
Deadline to apply: apply now!
Interested? Send an email to voluntariat@scicat.org now!