Dues entitats austríaques ofereixen places ESC per treballar amb migrants, dinamitzar activitats i engegar projectes
Consulta tota la informació dels projectes “European Solidarity Corps”. Hi trobaràs tota la informació relacionada amb què és, qui hi pot participar i com. En aquests projectes podràs donar suport a la promoció del voluntariat internacional, la cohesió social i la participació amb tots els costos coberts. Només caldrà que et facis sòci/a de l’SCI pagant la quota anual de 50 €.
ESC opportunities in Austria!
Volunteer at Youth centre ECHO
JUKUS is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation specialised in supporting youth, culture and sports and contributes to the establishment of intercultural and socio-cultural activities in the area of Graz. Main target group of this youth center are migrants: here their needs are taken seriously, their worries and problems are listened to, their ideas are met with interest and – if possible – they are implemented. The role of the ECS Volunteer is to support various activities, projects and the day to day work at the youth centre “ECHO”, assist their team, initiate own projects and workshops.
They’re looking for a participant with the following skills: openness, communicability, initiative, self-organisation and teamwork as soft skills. As hard skills, the volunteer should have experience and willingness to work with youngsters, some knowledge of pedagogical and social work, motivation to learn to speak German.
Where: Graz, Austria
Dates: 1.03.2022 – 28.02.2023 (12 months)
Application deadline: Apply now!
Read the call here!
Integration of refugees in Austria
InterAktion is a non-profit association active in the field of human rights, sustainability, integration of the young people from migrant families and refugees, aiming to encourage intercultural dialogues between the people from different backgrounds and cultures through non-formal educational methods.
As their target group is young unaccompanied male refugees, they look for a male volunteer to support their team and help organise leisure activities, such as cooking, sport, excursions, etc. They look for an active, initiative and mature volunteer who is willing to develop his workshops and leisure activities. Also, they need support in their office with communication and PR (such as informing about our activities through social media).
Where: Trofaiach, Austria
Dates: 1.02.2022 – 31.12.2022 (10 months)
Application deadline: Apply now!
Read the call here!
Si estàs interessat/ada envia el teu CV i la teva carta de motivació a longterm@scicat.org el més aviat possible!