Vine a reconstruir Envall, un poble en vies de recuperació als Pirineus, del 4 al 14 de setembre
THE ECO-CAMP “Peace with nature: Rebuilding Envall”
Envall is a Catalan village in the Pyrenees that was abandoned for nearly 30 years as a result of the rural depopulation caused by the exodus towards the cities. 20 years ago a small group of people started to come back to the village. These people started a cooperative to bring back life in this rural village.
The Envalls cooperative is now promoting 2 projects aiming to repopulate and generate income for the village. The first project is the Refuge, a mountain hostel for people who want to explore the mountains, and the second is a future School of the Mountain.
Volunteer tasks
Apart from the usual tasks typical of a work camp or any project (cleaning, cooking, checking that there is good group dynamics), participants will have the opportunity to explore different aspects of eco-sustainable volunteering in line with the philosophy of the community that will host them. Together with the local community the following tasks were selected to be carried out by the eco-camp groups:
– Restoring a dry stone wall. Dry stone construction is a very old and traditional building technique in the Pyrinees. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn this technique and to understand how constructing with local materials and old techniques can be a sustainable alternative to modern high energy consuming and polluting building techniques. This is hard work since stones will have to be carried, cleaned and put together.
– Maintaining the permaculture garden. The garden wants to provide the local community with vegetables and fruits. The cooperative started a permaculture garden as a way to grow vegetables in respect with nature. To ind out more about permaculture you can visit the Permaculture principles website. The founding principle of permaculture is earth care, people care and fair share. The work in the garden is important for the community and especially in summer, when it can be really hot, can be demanding. A hat to protect against the sun might be needed. Volunteers will learn about permaculture design and how it beneits people and nature.
– Constructions with wood. Small furniture will be produced with wood.
Each day the participants will be divided in different groups in order to carry out the different tasks. Volunteers will have the possibility to learn different skills, work together in a team and take responsibility for different tasks.
The group
The group of participants who will take part in this eco-camp will consist of 20 people, 16 participants between 18 and 30 years old and 4 group leaders coming from 4 different partners: Catalonia, Morocco, Palestine and Greece. Although there are small country groups, the emphasis is on intercultural learning and getting to know each other. Through these intercultural meetings, the eco-camps want to promote peace building and create safer spaces for all participants to explore other realities and become more aware of one’s own identities.
Quan: del 4 al 14 de setembre del 2023
On: Carrer Unica, s/n, 25513 Envall Lleida
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