El projecte “Volunteering Circles” a Bulgària cerca 6 voluntàries

El projecte “Volunteering Circles” a Bulgària cerca 6 voluntàries

CVS Bulgària fa una crida per a la participació a tres projectes de llarga durada relacionats amb el voluntariat, el cinema i el suport a les persones refugiades

Per participar d’un voluntariat europeu cal tenir entre 18 i 30 anys. Són projectes finançats per la Unió Europea. Consulta les condicions i requisits en aquesta pàgina.

The Project
“Volunteering Circles” is a long-term initiative of the organization CVS-Bulgaria, which includes 6 motilities in 3 circles (Cinema, Refugees and Volunteering) as well as a number of complementary activities to improve the quality of the project results achieved in Bulgaria with international participation.

The envisaged activities will lead to strategic changes in the field of volunteering, the inclusion of young people from marginalized/ vulnerable groups as well as small settlements, encouraging active participation by young people and capacity building for critical thinking.

More about the project and the context you can find here

Volunteering positions
Dates: June/July 2019– June/July 2020
Duration: 12 months
Venue: Sofia, Bulgaria (some of the activities may require travelling within Bulgaria)
Working language of the activities: English, Bulgarian

Placement themes:
VOLUNTEERING CIRCLE: Number of vacancies: 2
CINEMA CIRCLE: Number of vacancies: 2
REFUGEE CIRCLE: Number of vacancies: 2ç

Each circle will have its main focus but the volunteers will work as a team and will be included in all the tasks and events provisioned within the project. Along with the regular activities the volunteers will be included in several complimentary activities envisaged in the project. Detailed description of the regular and complimentary activities you can find here.

The practicalities of the project are arranged according to the Erasmus + guidelines, allowing the volunteers to enjoy a free participation. All necessary costs for the implementation of the project are covered, including accommodationa and utilities, food and pocket money, international, local transport and insurance. Detailed information can be found here

Si estàs interessat/ada en participar o vols més inormació, escriu un correu electrònic a longterm@scicat.org el més aviat possible.