Oportunitat ESC: suport a la comunicació de l’SCI Itàlia

Oportunitat ESC: suport a la comunicació de l’SCI Itàlia

L’SCI Itàlia està buscant una voluntària ESC per donar suport a la comunicació de la seva oficina a Roma a partir del setembre

Consulta tota la informació dels projectes “European Solidarity Corps”. Hi trobaràs tota la informació relacionada amb què és, qui hi pot participar i com. En aquests projectes podràs donar suport a la promoció del voluntariat internacional, la cohesió social i la participació amb tots els costos coberts. Només caldrà que et facis sòci/a de l’SCI pagant la quota anual de 50 €.

Servizio Civile Internazionale: the hosting organization
Servizio Civile Internazionale (SCI Italia) is the Italian branch of Service Civil International network (sci.ngo), an international voluntary movement that is present in more than 80 countries around the world. It’s been promoting international volunteering projects for 100 years on the themes of peace and disarmament, conscientious objection, human rights, and international solidarity, sustainable lifestyles, social inclusion and active citizenship. In the core, there is a real commitment to make a change against inequality, injustice, and violation of human rights.

SCI Italia, founded in 1948, is an NGO recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Advisory Member of UNESCO and the Council of Europe. It is based in Rome and it is supported by several regional and local groups of activists. The regional and the local groups support the work of the National Secretariat by dealing with trainings and the promotion of volunteering in various Italian regions.

The volunteers will take part in the following activities:

– Supporting the management of social networks and the website of SCI-Italia.
– Supporting the coordination of activities to promote international voluntary projects and those related to the fields of intervention of the association.
– Supporting the drafting and publication of the monthly newsletter.
– Supporting the coordination of the editorial, printing, and distribution of the paper and online publications of the association
– Supporting in the management and conduct of interviews.
– Management of video creation and graphic design.
– Implementing an international dimension to the project through the coordination of international exchanges, workcamps, trainings and seminars with the network Service Civil International and the Italian branch.
– Management of relations with activists and local groups of the association for activities related to communication.

Support “La Città dell’Utopia”
– Helping in the planning and organisation of cultural events and workshops on active citizenship, especially in the levels of communication, logistics, and operation at “La Città dell’Utopia”.
– Supporting the communication area of “La Città dell’Utopia” during its big annual events.
– Running a course for the neighbourhood (language, music, IT or any other skill).

Personal project
– Developing a personal project following the lines of the project and the hosting organisation is an important part of the project. The volunteer must be proactive in proposing a project and SCI Italia will provide support to implement it.
– After the project finishes, the volunteers have the responsibility to organise events, as well as produce and spread materials about their experiences here.

Volunteer Profile

– An interest in the communication sector of an NGO
– An interest in the management and conduct of interviews
– An interest in photography
– An interest in the ideation, creation and implementation of fundraising campaigns
– An interest in the topics of human rights, solidarity, volunteering, intercultural dialogue and specific project topics mentioned above, and who is eager to contribute to SCI’s mission of promoting a culture of peace
– An interest in increasing graphic design skills in software such as Indesign, Photoshop and Canva
– Good Italian and English language skills and/or be willing to improve
– Knowledge of how to use wordpress, instagram, linkedin and facebook
– Good communication skills and motivation to cooperate with your colleagues and the activists of “La Città dell’Utopia” and Servizio Civile Internazionale
– Creativity and self-initiative
– An interest to help, learn and share, to work in a busy international office, to multitask and to work in teams

When: between 15th September 2023 and 15th September 2024
La Città dell’Utopia, Rome, Italy

Interested? READ THE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS and send your CV and motivation letter to longterm@scicat.org as soon as possible!