Fes el teu ESC amb SCI Polònia

Fes el teu ESC amb SCI Polònia

SCI Polònia busca una voluntària ESC per donar suport amb l’intercanvi de voluntàries internacionals a partir del febrer durant un any

Consulta tota la informació dels projectes “European Solidarity Corps”. Hi trobaràs tota la informació relacionada amb què és, qui hi pot participar i com. En aquests projectes podràs donar suport a la promoció del voluntariat internacional, la cohesió social i la participació amb tots els costos coberts. Només caldrà que et facis sòci/a de l’SCI pagant la quota anual de 50 €.


We are looking for a volunteer who will support the mission of our organization by helping with coordination of international voluntary exchanges (workcamps):

  • first of all to get to know about the all system of international workcamps, to get kind of training from Stowarzyszenie Jeden Świat;
  • to lead primary consultations and first coming consultations in the office, prepare materials for the presentations, work on a database of all possible workcamps;
  • to contact NGOs and individual volunteers from Poznan and surroundings to provide them with information about volunteering, supporting the placement process for volunteer going for workcamps;
  • to help future volunteers explaining what workcamp is, filling all necessary documents;
  • to give informational support to foreign workcamp volunteers, to prepare some useful links about Poland (or rather update them), to control that all volunteers receive all necessary documents like invitation or infosheet.


We would like to host a broad-minded young person with a positive attitude who believes that volunteering and international contact is a way of making the world a better place. The volunteer may have previous experience related with international trainings, exchanges and non formal education, but the most important is an open mind and willingness to learn new things and take part in new challenges. We look for a curious person opened for new cultures, motivated, creative, that likes to work in a team and has his/her own initiative. At least intermediate knowledge of English is welcomed.

Where: Poznań, Poland
Starting February 2022 (12 months)
Application deadline: Apply now!
Read the call here!

Si estàs interessat/ada envia el teu CV i la teva carta de motivació a longterm@scicat.org el més aviat possible!
