Fes un camp de treball amb el teu cau o esplai!

Fes un camp de treball amb el teu cau o esplai!

Els camps de treball són projectes de voluntariat d’entre 2 i 3 setmanes on voluntàries d’arreu del món col·laboren amb un projecte local d’un altre país. Ara pots participar a un camp de treball amb el teu agrupament o esplai en el que anomenem “camps de treball bilaterals”.

Es diuen camps bilaterals perquè en lloc d’haver-hi persones de molts orígens diferents hi ha dues parts: el grup d’acollida i el grup d’enviament. Per tant, el vostre grup podria fer tant un camp local (Catalunya, País Valencià, Balears) i acollir un grup d’altres regions, com participar d’un camp internacional a algun projecte d’Europa.

Aquest any, tenim les següents opcions:

  • Camp de treball a Armènia

Description: The main activities run by HUJ are for and with volunteers, mainly the young people. The regular activities of organization include exchange of volunteers with different organizations, opening international workcamps in Armenia, preparation and sending volunteers to different trainings and seminars, as well as EVS, weltwarts and other long-term projects – Fer animació per a nens de famílies en situació de vulnerabilitat

Voluntary tasks: the volunteers will join differents projects of the organization. Some of them are related with children, people with disabilities and also with enviromental protection.


  • Camp de treball a Kosovo

Description: Boževce is a tiny village community situated in the Eastern part of Kosovo, in Municipality of Ranilug. The village used to be inhabited by 600 hundred people, but nowadays it has been reduced to only 50. It is hidden behind

hills, between forest, rocks, streams and meadows. It is divided between three neighbourhoods and extended on 3 km. There is no mini market in the village but you can find one in the first neighbouring village, you can go by foot or even by bike. For bigger shopping and market there is also possibility to go to Kamenica, a town situated several kilometres from the village.

Volunteering tasks: In 2019, we will focus on natural construction and food production, thus most of the activities will be about that. In summer, we will work on the following:
• finishing natural water purification system (reed bed)
• preparing wooden construction for the second floor of the house for straw bale walls
• making fences around the orchard and

Work will depend on the weather and other small projects, which might not be finished by the summer time. However, work will be manual, with tools, practical, physically demanding and fun 🙂


  • Camp de treball a Estònia
    : The charm of Haanja Uplands in South Estonia lies in its lovely hilly landscape, winding roads and numerous lakes. Most of its ancient villages, peculiar dialect, handicrafts and customs have been preserved until today. The whole area, called Vorumaa, is an area of outstanding beauty. It is famous for its diverse and very well preserved nature. Untouched forests with rich wildlife, deep valleys, hills, 170 small lakes with extremely clean water, quick rivers with sand caves in their steep banks – you can find everything there.

Voluntary tasks: The voluntary working program is diverse. It includes cleaning hiking, cross-country skiing and snowboarding trails from brushwood, repainting the hiking route signs, making the firewood (cut woods, pile the firewood in ricks), making the fold for the sheep (preparing the material and building the fold/fence), preparing material for rug weaving, cleaning sheep wool for crafts and possibly making woolen carpets. Most of the work will be outdoors. There can be also some light maintaining works indoors if weather is too rainy. The work will be usually around 4-6 hours a day, the rest of the time will be spend to get acquainted with the area, its natural and historical sites as well as with local people. Local people will join the camp for work and leisure.

Per conèixer més informació dels projectes i les condicions d’inscripció, escriu-nos a camps@scicat.org