Fes un camp de treball en família!

Fes un camp de treball en família!

Els camps de treball en família permeten la participació d’infants i joves menors de 16 anys que vulguin ser part d’un voluntariat transformador

Els camps de treball no només són per joves o adults sinó que també n’hi ha que donen cabuda a famílies. En aquests camps, infants i joves menors de 16 anys poden participar-hi acompanyats de les seves tutores legals. T’expliquem totes les opcions:

SWITZERLAND: ‘Pro Terra Engiadina’

Description: The Foundation Pro Terra Engiadina (PTE) is a cross-sector foundation which aims to maintain and promote the natural and cultural landscape, as well as biodiversity in the Engadine valley. Given its involvement with many sectors, PTE integrates ecological connectivity into the spatial planning which is one of its strengths.

Type of Work: The focus is on the maintenance and promotion of biodiversity in dry meadows, peatlands or community gardens.

SWITZERLAND: ‘Maintain vitality of Alpine Biodiversity’

Description: The Alpes Vaudoises are a group of mountains in the Swiss Alps located in the cantons of Vaud, Valais and Bern and one of the hotspots of biodiversity. Traditionally, the slopes of these mountains have been covered with pastures of great ecological value, where various species find refuge. The Alpes Vivantes association is involved in concrete maintenance activities in the Alpes Vaudoises that lead to the enhancement of the area’s biological richness.

Type of Work: The volunteers will take part in a work camp to remove invasive or undesirable plants such as green alder (Alnus viridis) and to maintain mountain pastures. The volunteers will work for fragile ecosystems that are home to sensitive species such as black grouse, grouse and deer. Type of activities will be pasture maintenance work, cutting of invasive species, collecting branches of green alder, clearing of areas to improve the daily life of black grouse.

CZECH REPUBLIC: ‘Back to Nature for Families’

Description: The workcamp is organised in cooperation with EUROSOLAR, an organisation that promotes renewable energies, sustainable lifestyle; it engages in youth environmental education and organises environmental summer camps for children, youth and families.

Type of Work: Children and parents will work together when possible splited in two groups. The first group will be moving, raking and collecting grass. The second group will be working on the campsite preparing food, collecting wood, doing maintenance tasks or working in the nearby forest.

SWITZERLAND: ‘Gipsgrueb Community & Organic Garden’

Description: The cooperative “Gipsgrueb” is situated outside of the village of Ehrendingen, in a small calm valley at the foot of the last mountain of the Jura-range. The over-100-years-old buildings of a former cement factory were left unattended for many years. Since the taking-over by the cooperative Gipsgrueb in 1982 a garden and a farm were built up on the agricultural land. Since the beginning both of them have been running on the guidelines of organic farming.

Type of Work:  You will work 2 x 5 days helping the cooperative in the organic garden, maintaining an old stonewall and maintaining shrubs as well as hedges. Working with pruning shears, shovels, pickaxes, rakes. Harvesting plums and blackberries, if there are any.

Si ho prefereixes, també pots consultar totes les opcions al buscador de camps d’SCI Internacional. Un cop dins el cercador, cal aplicar el filtre ‘Child friendly camps’ o ‘Campo en el que se aceptan niños’ dins l’apartat ‘Options’.

Informació logística

La quota de participació en un camp és de 150€ que inclouen els 100€ en despeses de gestió, formació prèvia i assegurança i els 50 € de la quota anual de sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. La participació és gratuïta per als menors de 16 anys.

Per últim, abans de participar en qualsevol camp de treball és obligatori anar a alguna de les formacions prèvies. Enguany són els dies 28 i 29 de maig a Cabrera de Mar i el 18 i 19 de juny a Cambrils.

Si t’interessa el tema o vols saber-ne més, envia un correu a camps@scicat.org!