Nous camps de treball internacional aquest estiu!

Nous camps de treball internacional aquest estiu!

Com ja sabreu, hi ha centenars de projectes de voluntariat de curta durada a tot el món durant tot l’any, però al estiu es multipliquen les opcions. Aquí fem un recull d’alguns dels projectes disponibles ara mateix, però per veure’ls tots podeu consultar el CERCADOR DE CAMPSPodreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, països i temàtiques. Aquí pots veure altres recomanacions que vam fer el mesos anteriors.

*Si encara no saps què és un camp i com inscriure’t pots llegir totes les condicions i passos a seguir per inscriure’t aquí.

Per aquests camps és necessari tenir experiència prèvia en camps de treball i tenir més de 20 anys. Es farà una entrevista prèvia abans d’acceptar les voluntàries:

TUNISIA: The Art and Environment Learning Camp (17-30 juny)

Description: This volunteer project will take place in a unique place of the Mediterranean area: the oasis of Gabès in Tunisia located between sea, mountain and desert. Dates, fruits, vegetables and forages are grown here. The volunteers will be able to immerse themselves in the lifestyle of an oasis.

Type of Work: The Art and Environment Learning Camp allows participants to share and learn about global and local issues through practice. The volunteers will do gardening, painting work and wall decoration, this work will be done in the neighborhoods with the inhabitants and also with national and local volunteers.




KYRGYZSTAN: Care for children today, make a better world tomorrow (6 – 28 juny)

Description: In Kyrgyzstan, number of households with incomes below subsistence level in urban area is 29% and in rural area is 34%. Also, there are many Kyrgyz origin migrants from Tajikistan in close areas of Tokmok, whose living conditions are poor and the children are lack of much opportunities.

Type of Work: You will be working with TFCF staff and local volunteers. Together with local volunteers, you would teach English and organize Art Camp for children from disadvantaged families, organize cultural exchange and some other activities (activities will be focused on main goal. Time of activities will be more than mentioned time).


MYANMAR: Phayartaung (10 – 23 agost)

Description: In Phayataung youth development centre there are over 1300 students with diverse races Paoh, Lesu, Kayan, Kayah, InnThar, Danu, Shan and Taung Yoe. The students come from different villages and stay the whole year as dormitory in the monastery to attend government high school near monastery.

Type of Work: The volunteer participate in the activity of monastery and helping to the local community. Volunteer also work in cleaning and cooking for the students together with local volunteers from monastery. Teaching English, sharing social knowledge, helping in the purified water factory, working in the farm and construction are also including in the work.




NEPAL: Teaching and cultural exchange (12 – 22 juny) i (10 – 20 agost)

Description: One of the spectacular things about Nepal is its cultural heritage. Among numerous festivals, “GAI JATRA” (Cow Carnival) celebrated in the whole country is very special in Bhaktapur and popular in the country. Volunteers will get this rare opportunity to observe and participate in this festival and appreciate it.

Type of Work: There we will do School Gate and wall painting and Gardening and clean school area .School name is Shree santa Krishna Primary school at Sipadole , Bhaktapur



NEPAL: Teaching international workcamp ( 17 – 27 juliol)

Description: This project wiil be held in sankhu in the kavre district located nearly 35km away from capital city Kathmandu. This project aim to aid sankhehwori secondary school in there day to day teaching activities. the school is located in the country side with scenic beauty of kavre valley and Buddhist pilgrimage of namobuddha where you can see ganesh himalaya which is delightful and beautiful which you will really enjoy.

Type of Work: Generally volunteers will be teaching in the school and some maintenance of school building and ground.


Per aquests camps no cal experiència prèvia: 

GERMANY: Never forget! Study Camp (27 de juliol – 8 agost)

Description: The KZ Dachau was the first concentration camp built by Nazi Germany in March 1933. More than 200,000 people from all over Europe were imprisoned here. Many prisoners died as a result of terror, inhuman forced labor, diseases, exhaustion, and hunger. The study camp will take place within the framework of the ‘International Youth Meeting’ (IYM).

Type of Work: The volunteers will learn about the history of National Socialism through communication with survivors and through active participation in workshops. Current political situations will also be discussed.


NETHERLANDS: Emmaus Langeweg (25 agost – 7 setembre)

Description: Emmaus is an international solidarity-based movement, acting against poverty and exclusion. The profit of the second-hand selling is being allocated to idealistic and/or disadvantages communities. Alongside the eleven companions who live at Emmaus Langeweg, many volunteers are active at the organization. During the project you will have the opportunity to temporary integrate in the life of the community

Type of Work: During the workcamp we will join the companions of Emmaus in Langeweg at their daily work and routine. We will support the recycling process, by sorting out the goods that have been donated and helping at the second-hand shop. One day there will be the big annual market at Emmaus Langeweg. Volunteers will help with the preparation, with the activities during the market and cleaning up afterwards




ITALY: Lessinia film festival: culture, history and traditions of the mountains (21 agost – 1 setembre)

Description: The Lessinia Film Festival is the only Italian cinematographic contest dedicated exclusively to short films, documentaries and feature movies about the life, history and traditions of the mountains. The film projections will be held at Teatro Vittoria during the last two weeks of August. The movie program will be complemented by special events, exhibitions, discussions with international guests, concerts and other cultural activities.

Type of Work: The volunteers will support the organization of the film festival – therefore, shifts will be scheduled according to the abilities and interests of the participants.




SWITZERLAND: Discover ecological lifestyle and permaculture (7 – 20 juliol)

Description: The local project partner’s long-term aim is to establish a vegan-organic permaculture mountain farm in order to educate people how to have a highly sustainable lifestyle in a mountain region. The partner is a family of home-schoolers: They feel that this is the best way to respect children’s rights and to establish human connections (better friendships/relationships lead to less aggressiveness and consumerism).

Type of Work: You will destroy redundant concrete-stone-walls in nature, make hay for cultivating next year’s potatoes following a specific procedure, you will plant fruit trees and bushes, harvest berries and preserve them. You might also help weeding the field and transport firewood to the barn.


VIETNAM. Green You – Green The World(17-25 agost)

Description: “Green You – Green the World” is an activity which belongs to the worldwide “Climate for Peace” Campaign of SCI; with the main aim is to promote social and environmental awareness at local level, mainly in Vietnam. Its beautiful beach is suffering from marine litter by both local and tourists. Therefore, this camp hope to help in contributing directly to environmental protection by cleaning the coastline as well as allowing participants to learn about global and local environmental issues, especially regarding ocean plastic pollution.

Type of Work: For the main work, there will be two types of activities: Beach clean-up and organize activities for local kids/youths.



CZECH REPUBLIC: Help the Elderly in Prague (4 – 11 agost)

Description: This workcamp takes place in Prague 15 (at the outskirts of the city) in cooperation with the Centre for Social Care and Nursing which offers social services to the people who need care and help of the others due to their age or illness. The aim of this workcamp is to support intercultural and intergenerational exchange of experience, to get to know each other, discover something new and foster mutual understanding and respect

Type of Work: You will work with the elderly and get a fixed part in their daily program. You will organize art workshops, leisure time activities for them and assist with occupational therapy and outdoor-activities.


RÚSSIA: Botanical garden in mysterious Altai (19 – 28 agost)

Description: Gorno-Altayskiy Botanical Garden is located in the tract Clean-Meadow, in one of the most picturesque places, which was not chosen just by chance. Here are several natural and climatic zones meet, creating favorable conditions for the habitat of many species of plants. For many years already the Botanical Garden have invited volunteers for helping with current tasks. The Republic of Altai is a unique region in the heart of the Eurasian continent. The extraordinary beauty of the pristine nature, a huge variety of flora and fauna, glaciers, lakes and rapid mountain rivers are combined with the stunning culture of the peoples of Altai.

Type of Work: The main task of volunteers will be garden care (weeding, planting), collecting herbs. Approximately 6 working hours per day (in the morning and after lunch), with a weekend. All tools will be provided, but volunteers are kindly asked to bring their working gloves.



PORTUGAL: VILA ArtFest – celebrating cultural diversity through art (1 – 15 de juny i 16 – 30 juny)

Description: VILA ArtFest is a celebration of all types of art worked and explored by the people from the youngest village in Portugal – Lousada. Every year in June, the city hall promotes the sharing and demonstration of different types of art: performative, urban, music, visual and photography. During this month, the local artists can share their work with the local and tourists. This year, VILA ArtFest wants to go further and challenge new artists from other communities and nationalities to create and celebrate different kinds of art.

Type of Work: The volunteers will join the festival committee to organize, publicize and engage the community in the event. They will help during the event with logistics, set-up, and general support. Volunteers will have the opportunity to create a street art wall and help a local artist with a sculpture made of trash and recycled material.


UNITED STATES: Bicycle Trail Building (12 – 27 agost)

Description: Our mission is to assist municipalities, recreation groups, and landowners in the creation and management of a four-season, multi-use trail across the state of Vermont for public recreation, alternative transportation, and awareness of our natural and cultural heritage.

Type of Work: The work is building wooden bridges, moving large stones with hand tools, and digging ditches with shovels. We are building a network of bicycle/pedestrian paths that will eventually go 90 miles across the entire state of Vermont. The path will connect small towns, their schools, and the wild natural areas in between with a safe, healthy alternative to driving in cars. These small towns are not wealthy, and cannot afford to build this path themselves (like larger cities can afford to.) So we are building it with volunteers.