Fes un ESC a Bèlgica centrat en la preparació de camps de treball, l’emplaçament de voluntàries i la preparació de trainings!
Consulta tota la informació dels projectes “European Solidarity Corps”. Hi trobaràs tota la informació relacionada amb què és, qui hi pot participar i com. En aquests projectes podràs donar suport a la promoció del voluntariat internacional, la cohesió social i la participació amb tots els costos coberts. Només caldrà que et facis sòci/a de l’SCI pagant la quota anual de 50 €.
1 ESC opportunities in SCI Belgium
About the organisation
SCI Belgium is an NGO and a youth organization whose mission is to promote peace, intercultural understanding, solidarity, social justice and ecology through voluntary projects and educative work. SCI Belgium organises international volunteering exchanges, local voluntary activities in Belgium, awareness activitites on peace, intercultural learning, citizen mobilisation. Activities will be organized in Brussels and in the region of Wallonia, where the SCI Belgium organizes its activities: international (workcamps) and local volunteering (one day volunteering, local activists who organize different activities in link with the citizen mobilisation); awareness raising activities in schools and associations; trainings. The ESC volunteer will be involved in the daily work of the organization : organization and participation to workcamps and one day volunteering activities, trainings and facilitation in schools by using raising awareness/pedagogical tools, participation to activists groups.
Tasks during the activity
The main tasks during ESC will be:
- Helping organizing the workamps
- Placement of international volunteers in Belgium
- Lead camps in the summer
- Participate in all the local volunteering activities
- Become a facilitator after getting trainings and use our pedagogical tools in schools, etc
- Help with the preparation of the EPM and other international seminars
- Be involved with our activist volunteers in awareness raising activities and actions
The ESC volunteer will participate to trainings organized by the SCI Belgium: camp leader trainings, pedagogical tool trainings, facilitation techniques. The volunteer will attend French online courses. The volunteers will also have the opportunity to learn about how an NGO works and propose new ideas of activities in link with the aims and values of the SCI.
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements
The ESC volunteer will be accomodated in a shared flat (for students or community flat). She/he will have a proper room and a kitchen available to cook her/his own food. Pocket money and allowance for food and local transportation will be provided.
Participant profile
No specific skills are required but the candidates should have motivation towards volunteering activities and be eager to learn French and learn about the main topics of the organisation: interculturality, social inclusion, global citizenship, peace education, awareness raising activities…
Where: Bruxelles, Belgium
Dates: 15.4.2022 – 14.2.2023 (10 months)
Read the call here
Si estàs interessat/ada envia el teu CV i la teva carta de motivació a longterm@scicat.org el més aviat possible!