El projecte Newton Dee Communityt cerca una persona voluntària per donar suport a persones amb diversitat funcional durant un any. Inscriu-te!
Application: An interview will be arranged after references have been checked
Vacancies 1
Languages: English
Project Description: Newton Dee Community is one of 11 centres established in England and Scotland by the Camphill Village Trust to provide home life, meaningful work, opportunities for personal growth, friendship, social interaction, education, training and
cultural and spiritual inspiration for adults with learning disabilities and other special needs.
Work: Helping out whenever needed in houses, workshops, farms and gardens.Co-workers work to enable those with special needs to ful l their potential. That means providing support at home, at work in our gardens, farms and craft workshops, and by involvement in our social, cultural and educational activities. The work isnt simply care. The individuals with special needs who live in our Community are able to do much for themselves. The role of co-workers is as enablers. Co-workers create an environment that helps those with special needs to accomplish much in their lives, which might otherwise be dicult or impossible. One day per week, 21 days holiday if staying for one year.
Requirements: Somebody who would be willing to involve themselves with all aspects of life. Willingness to learn, openness to other spiritual ways. Should speak English well enough to hold a conversation.
Food: Healthy organic (most of the time). Three meals a day, eating together as in a family.
Accommodation: Depending on the house, in a single room
Pocket money: 130 GBP per month
Insurance: Volunteers must have appropriate health insurance, arranged either through the SCI sending organisayion or independently. Proof is required: without this volunteers will not be accepted. Separate travel insurande will be also required.
Visa: IVS will issue a certi cate of sponsorship for anyone living outside the EEU and who requires an entry visa. Details of how to do this are given to each volunteer by IVS.
Others: Applicants need to complete a speci c application form, please ask for a copy from IVS. Interviews will be held by Skype. Cultural factor to be considered – anthroposophical background, the volunteer would require openess to experience this. The duration of the position would be for one year. Age Limit: 18-40 years old. Training o ered: rst aid, moving and handling, rst year foundation course
Si estàs interessat/ada envia el teu CV i carta de motivació en anglès a longterm@sci-cat.org