Si ets educador/a o treballes dia a dia amb joves, t’interessarà aquesta formació! “Not a single story” tindrà lloc a Lodève (França) del 25 de juny al 4 de juliol
CCIVS members expressed the need to strengthen the skills of their training teams on human rights and peace education. A training of trainers took place in September 2018 in Turkey, with the support of the Erasmus + program and 12 partner organizations.
Following this training, some members decided to give a logical follow-up to the CCIVS approach by organizing together a European training for youth workers to strengthen their capacities for peace education and human rights, which is the object of this project.
In a society polarized with extremist ideologies that convince some of the youth, it seems important that professionals in the youth sector can play their role of intermediation and social cohesion. In this sense, we would like to help them be trained in identity formation processes so that they can act on the radicalization phenomena that are going on in their communities and societies. Through this training, we want to give tools to professionals in contact with youth to develop youth citizenship by exploring the keys to understanding the formation of their identity(s).
Dates: 25.06.2019-04.07.2019.
Place: Lodève (France)
Working language: English
Hosting organization: Concordia, Clermont l’Hérault Delegation
Partner organizations: 10 partner organizations from Erasmus+ countries
We wish more specifically:
– explore the complexity and evolution of the formation of individual and collective identities in youth
– to understand the processes of polarization of our societies and the radicalization of young people
– build concrete tools that youth workers can use with the young people who are their target audience to build a more harmonious society
We will work on the formation of identities among young people, using in particular the theories of intersectionality, and will look for concrete tools to put in place in sending organizations.
Participants profile:
Youth workers and youth leaders who:
– are eager to improve their skills and gain knowledge of the issues mentioned above (peace education, human rights etc.)
– Motivated to actively participate, and contribute with ideas to the project
– Having the possibility to make use of their newly gained knowledge, skills and competences in their work with youngsters afterwards
– being able to communicate fluently in English
Descarrega la convocatòria completa aquí.
Els costos de la formació, així com del transport estan coberts per programes de la Unió Europea, només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI (quota de 45€).
Si t’interessa, omple aquest formulari el més aviat possible i escriu-nos a