Formació internacional en protecció i gestió de la terra

Formació internacional en protecció i gestió de la terra

Participa en aquest seminari organitzat pel CCIVS que tindrà lloc a Vàunieres, França, del 14 al 19 d’octubre

Per participar dels seminaris o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte

CCIVS is partner of the Soil4Life project coordinated by Legambiente. The SOIL4LIFE project, realized with the contribution of the European Commission (Life), intends to promote the sustainable and efficient use of the soil and its resources in Italy and in Europe. For this reason the partners involved in the project, are engaged in carrying out information and awareness raising activities and in promoting interventions, including regulatory ones, which are essential to curb the consumption of this non-renewable natural resource.

The Training will be a 4 day intensive course. Using non-formal learning methodologies, the training led by experts, will share information about the SOIL4LIFE project, including:

  • The importance of soil protection & management
  • Learning about the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management (VGSSM)

Participants will learn how to share information concerning SOIL4LIFE with their local projects, by using methodologies that train the trainer. They will learn how to communicate, how to use the communication tools which are in place and how to ensure follow up in their local projects. During the training the participants will collectively build a model to work on soil protection and conservation, which they can then adapt to their local reality and implement in their home countries. They will share this model on return with their sending organisations and will work to develop and implement the model during the local action.

As a result, each organisation will be requested to implement at least 1 local campaign, which focuses on the importance of soil

Consulta tota la informació en aquest document.

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