Formació internacional sobre resolució noviolenta de conflictes i gamificació a Polònia

Formació internacional sobre resolució noviolenta de conflictes i gamificació a Polònia

Formació internacional sobre resolució noviolenta de conflictes i gamificació a Polònia

Participa al projecte “Volunteering Vs Violence – let’s turn theory into practice” que tindrà lloc a Poznan, Polònia (o en versió online) del 3 al 10 de gener

Per participar dels seminaris o formacions internacionals només cal que et facis sòcia de l’SCI Catalunya. Les despeses del transport i l’allotjament corren a càrrec del projecte

During 6-days creative camp we are going to create an educational simulation game that aims to help individual participants and organizations talk about violence, give examples of preventative grounds, and think about solutions to conflict or violence situations.

Educational materials created during the project are to be a complement to the game, but they can also be the basis for starting discussion and working on the attitudes of individual participants and groups. Materials and the game are to be a way to relieve tensions and violence that affects us (including self-destructive violence directed to ourselves) using the proven method of “Non Violent Communication” and using new methods such as visual thinking / sketchnoting to deal with the situations. A very important point of the project is testing the game in individual partner countries and adapting it to their needs.

At the project you will:
– learn about the Non-Violent Communication and Visual Thinking methods
– learn how to construct simulation games
– create an educational game based on Non Violent Communications rules
– talk about violence and find out solutions which can help other people
– have the chance to experiment, exchange and cooperate with each other during and after the creative camp

Participants Profile
Feel free to apply, if you:
– are interested in volunteering and have some knowledge on this topic
– are willing to use the results of the training,
– want to test created game in your home country;
– are a resident of Spain
– are able to communicate well and work in English;
– are at least 18 years old (there is no maximum age);
– are available to attend the whole duration of creative camp.

Si t’interessa, consulta tota la informació en aquest document (adjunt), escriu-nos a mostrant el teu interès i omple el formulari d’aplicació. Tens temps fins el 25 d’octubre!