ICM (International Committee Meeting) arrives in Catalunya!

ICM (International Committee Meeting) arrives in Catalunya!
From December 6 to 10, we will host the International Assembly of SCI in Catalonia! The meeting will take place in Llinars del Vallès and will start with an inaugural event by Jordi Palou.

This year, SCI Catalunya hosts the the international SCI General Assembly. This is one of the most important annual meetings of the Service Civil International’s network, where decisions are taken about its functioning and strategy on the global level.

About one hundred people, from more than 40 branches of SCI worldwide, will attend this meeting, which takes place in Llinars del Vallès from 6 to 10 December.

Throughout the week we will update the information and you will be able to follow the live streaming of the meetings to keep yourselves informed through this link.

Inaugural act:
A journey through pacifist movements and nonviolence in Catalonia
By Jordi Palou, former director of the Democratic Memorial and Vice President of Novact
Thursday, December 7 at 9:00 in Casa de colonias Mogent, Llinars del Vallès