Intercanvi juvenil al kurdistan turc del 2 al 14 de setembre

Intercanvi juvenil al kurdistan turc del 2 al 14 de setembre

Ja pots inscriure't al Youth Exchange “Intercultural Learning” que tindrà lloc a Diyarbakir al setembre. Busquem 5 participants i una persona coordinadora!

* Per participar als seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.

From the 3rd to the 14th of September 2017, 42 young people from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Latvia, Turkey and Germany will meet in Diyarbakir, Turkey.

They are all involved in children and youth projects at home. Together, they will work during this exchange on how sustainable, non-formal educational projects for children can be organized and implemented. This is linked to the ideas and methods of "intercultural learning" during the exchange project. The aim is to train the participants in theory and practice. In order to provide appropriate practical experience, the participants will also be conducting a two-day intercultural education project with approximately 80 – 100 children in a Kurdish village. For four days the young people will live in the village in host families and work with the village population harvesting, baking bread, herding goats, etc.
A further goal is that the participants should also implement the elements and methods of intercultural learning in the activities of their own organizations afterwards.

Each country will send 5 participant + 1 group leader.
Participants should be in the age between 20 – 26 maximum 30 years.
The Age of the group–leader does not matter.
Gender-Balance is very welcome.
It would be good to find participants who do on a voluntary base or even professionally work with children at home, so they can use afterwards the gained knowledge and experience in their activities at home.

What you, as a group, need to prepare for the program:
International Evenings:

Always two delegations will host an International evening together, to present where you are coming from. It can include stories, music, food, dances, quiz, a picture-presentation, information & games about your country. Also a presentation about your sending organization would be nice.

Workshops for the kids:
Each delegation will in before prepare a workshop about their own country for the children in the village. Each delegation will run this workshop six times during two days in the village.
More details we will set up together during the final preparation.

All participants will stay in the guest house of Youth and Change Association in the city-center of Diyarbakir. You can find more details in the facebook page:
And for some days in host-families in a village. Have a look into the program and find out more about it.

Si estàs interessat/ada, escriu un correu electrònic amb el teu CV i carta de motivació a abans del 25 de juliol.