“It’s time to stop this madness”, posicionament de l’SCI Internacional sobre la catàstrofe a Filipinies

“It’s time to stop this madness”, posicionament de l’SCI Internacional sobre la catàstrofe a Filipinies
Després d’una catàstrofe natural més com és el desastre de Filipines, ja no es pot negar més la realitat que és el canvi climàtic. Cal ficar punt i final a aquest sistema boig perquè ara ja ens trobem en un moment crític. En aquest moment pren importància una campanya com "Create a Climate For Peace" de l'SCI Internacional, en la qual es vol treballar les connexions entre la construcció de pau i la cura del medi ambient, entre els nous conflictes i el canvi climàtic.
As some of you may know the UN Climate Talks are currently taking place in Warsaw and a group of SCI activists are there. These talks come at a time of great tragedy as super typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines on Friday leaving an estimated 800,000 people homeless and more than 10,000 feared dead. We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to all those that have been affected by the events and share with you an extract from the powerful speech made by Philippines lead negotiator Yeb Sano in Warsaw, yesterday. There is no time for discussion, we must act, now.

Philippines' statement in the opening plenary of the COP19 in Warsaw made by Yeb Sano, 11th November 2013:
“To anyone who continues to deny the reality that is climate change, I dare you to get off your ivory tower and away from the comfort of your armchair. I dare you to go to…the large deltas of the Mekong, the Ganges, the Amazon, and the Nile where lives and livelihoods are drowned, to the hills of Central America that confronts similar monstrous hurricanes, to the vast savannas of Africa where climate change has likewise become a matter of life and death as food and water becomes scarce…And if that is not enough, you may want to pay a visit to the Philippines right now.
What my country is going through as a result of this extreme climate event is madness.

We can stop this madness. Right here in Warsaw.

We find ourselves at a critical juncture and the situation is such that even the most ambitious emissions reductions by developed countries, who should have been taking the lead in combating climate change in the past 2 decades, will not be enough to avert the crisis.

It is now too late, too late to talk about the world being able to rely on Annex I countries to solve the climate crisis. We have entered a new era that demands global solidarity in order to fight climate change and ensure that pursuit of sustainable human development remains at the fore of the global community’s efforts. This is why means of implementation for developing countries is ever more crucial."

During his speech, Sano added an unscripted pledge to fast during the conference, until meaningful progress has been made:

“In solidarity with my countrymen who are struggling to find food back home and with my brother who has not had food for the last three days, in all due respect Mr. President, and I mean no disrespect for your kind hospitality, I will now commence a voluntary fasting for the climate. This means I will voluntarily refrain from eating food during this COP until a meaningful outcome is in sight.”

Full transcript 

To get involved with SCI's Create a Climate for Peace Campaign please visit this web 

We would also like to invite you to sign the 350.org petition


I què puc fer jo des d'aquí?

Després d’una catàstrofe natural més com és el desastre de Filipines, ja no es pot negar més la realitat que és el canvi climàtic. Cal ficar punt i final a aquest sistema boig perquè ara ja ens trobem en un moment crític.

El canvi climàtic és una amenaça comuna a la meta de la pau, ja que reforça la discriminació existent i, en un futur, donarà lloc a més conflictes i guerres pels recursos. No tenim altra opció, l'única manera és arribar a mantenir la vida i les societats no violentes. Aquest és l’objectiu amb el que sorgeix la campanya internacional: Create a Climate for Peace. A l’SCI Catalunya tenim un grup de treball de voluntaris/es en aquesta campanya, perquè els problemes no es poden resoldre sense un canvi radical capaç de fer justícia ecològica en els nostres valors, cosmovisions, estils de vida ien l'economia.

Si t’interessa aquest tema i vols aportar el teu granet de sorra en la lluita per la justícia climàtica t’esperem en aquest grup (demana info a voluntariat@sci-cat.org)!  La propera reunió serà el dijous 21 a les 8 del vespre! T'hi esperem!