El seminari forma part de campanya Raising Peace 2016 i serà de l'1 al 6 d'abril a Grècia. Inscripcions abans del 26 de febrer!* Per participar dels seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.
The Laboratory of Tools and Skills for Peace-Builders is going to be a very special seminar, where young activists willing to participate and lead Human Rights and Peace education activities during the Raising Peace Campaign will gather to develop together tools and activities: introductory workshops on Human Rights; toolkit to work on migrations during camps and exchanges; awareness-raising activities for the Global Week for Human Rights; etc.
These are activities and tools which will be used during the Raising Peace events during the year.
The aim of this training is to produce the necessary materials, workshops, activities for the different Campaign actions, while at the same time training and generating exchange with the
leaders of such activities. We consider that such process can generate an interesting collective empowerment.
- To create a group of leaders for the Raising Peace activities with a sense of a team,
- To empower a group of young leaders as future multipliers of Peace & Human Rights activities
- To have the necessary knowledge, methodologies, materials, and agreements prepared to implement the Peace &Human Rights activities during the Raising Peace Camps.
This laboratory aims to be a second step for IVS orgs' activists who participated in Raising Peace 2015 and now they want to get involved and develop their own activities within the campaign. Also activists who didn't participate in Raising Peace 2015 but are willing to develop specific tools on Human Rights and Peace education within their IVS organisations are invited.
> 14 participants places will have to be for participants currently residing in Council of Europe Countries
> And 4 places are reserved for participants coming from other regions (Africa, Asia, America);
> The financial regulations from the EYF state that participants should be aged from 18- 30 years of age. If you are over this age range please still apply as there are options available.
The reimbursement will be done by CCIVS the earliest 3 months after the end of the Laboratory on receipt of all boarding passes, train/bus tickets, invoices, Visa page copy, passport copy,
Visa invoice etc…
Per a més informació sobre el projecte, podeu visitar la pàgina web.
Si esteu interessades, cal que ens envieu un correu amb una carta de motivació i CV a voluntariat@sci-cat.org abans del 26 de febrer