L’SCI Internacional cerca voluntària per un projecte a Bèlgica

L’SCI Internacional cerca voluntària per un projecte a Bèlgica

El secretariat internacional de l’SCI (a Bèlgica) cerca una persona voluntària per a la campanya “100 actions for peace”. Es tracta d’un projecte d’1 any de durada finançat per la Comissió Europea. Inscriu-te el més aviat possible!

Aquest és un projecte de l’European Solidarity Corps. Pots consultar la informació sobre el programa aquí. Hi trobaràs tota la informació relacionada amb què és, qui hi pot participar i com. En aquests projectes podràs donar suport a la promoció del voluntariat internacional, la cohesió social i la participació amb tots els costos coberts.

Where: SCI International Secretariat, Antwerp, Belgium
14 September 2020 – 13 September 2021
Project and Campaign ESC Volunteer

SCI has been organizing international volunteering projects for nearly 100 years internationally, organising short term voluntary projects (workcamps) as well as mid-term and long-term volunteering exchanges. SCI’s vision is a world of peace, social justice and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflicts. SCI’s mission is to promote a culture of peace by organising international
volunteering projects with local and global impact. The volunteer’s work will support this mission.

The volunteer will be following up the Peace in Practice project and supporting the 2020 campaign, especially the 100 actions for peace. The placement requires creativity, a keen interest in the topic and the ability (or interest in developing as a skill) to multitask. The Project Officer will act as the direct supervisor and many of the projects will be done in collaboration, with strong support for self-initiative and innovative ideas.

The volunteer will work in total 30 hours a week and will receive 2 free days per month during the voluntary service.

Placement tasks
The project and campaign volunteer will largely work with the Project Officer (PO), in collaboration with the Communication and Volunteer Coordinator (CVC), supporting promotion and project coordination , with a specific focus on the 100 years campaign and a new online training course.

Who are we looking for?
A candidate aged between 18 -30 who has:
● An interest in the topics of human rights, solidarity, volunteering and intercultural dialogue and who is eager to contribute to SCI´s mission of promoting a culture of peace;
● Are interested in learning the practical side of communication and non-formal education in an international NGO;
● Strong interest in video creation and editing;
● Passion and knowledge in using social media tools;
● An interest in increasing graphic design skills in software such as Indesign and Canva, and website design with WordPress;
● Good English language skills (spoken and written);
● Interest to help, learn and share, to work in a busy international office, to multitask and to work in teams.

Pots descarregar el document amb tota la informació aquí. Si estàs interessat/ada, envia’ns un correu electrònic amb el teu currículum i carta de motivació en anglès a longterm@scicat.org el més aviat possible.