El projecte tindrà lloc del 15 al 30 d’octubre a Jorba, un municipi de l’Anoia. Participa-hi!
Aquest projecte està impulsat pel Col·lectiu Eixarcolant. L’objectiu d’aquesta associació pretén promoure un model alternatiu de producció, de distribució i consum de menjar, a través d’un model més sostenible i just. A través de les diferents tasques aprofundirem en aquestes alternatives existents, tot conservant i cultivant espècies silvestres comestibles i varietats de cultius tradicionals.
Jorba, CATALUNYA: Eixarcolant – another food model system is possible. Horticulture and reconstruction in the orchards of Jorba (19 octubre – 30 octubre)
Description: Eixarcolant Collective is a non-profit organization whose aim is to transform the model of production, distribution and consumption of food towards a more sustainable and just. The methods we use to achieve it are conservation and growing of edible wild species and traditional crop varieties, providing training and dissemination, finding solutions and lifestyle alternatives through applied research, revitalization planning, awareness and advocacy.
Type of Work: The first part of project is the recovery and revitalization of orchards in Jorba, where volunteers will do tasks connected to the reconstruction such as preparing dry stone huts, opening old ways now lost. Participants will also have a chance to interact with children from local school and assist them in work related to maintaining green area. The second part of project is focused on the seeds of traditional crop varieties and wild species, where volunteers will assist in various tasks of plantation and growing of the crop species, also collecting the seeds and their subsequent processing.
Més info i inscripcions: https://workcamps.sci.ngo/icamps/ES-CAT/ca/camp-details/camp-14411.html
Si tens dubtes, pots escriure’ns a camps@scicat.org