Participa del projecte “Mawasem: Olives season” Ajloun, Jordània, del 27 de novembre al 9 de desembre!
Es tracta del primer camp de treball que organitza Space SD a Ajloun, Jordània. El projecte pretén posar el focus en la promoció del voluntariat i l’intercanvi intercultural a través de l’agricultura i la cura de la terra.
Per participar en aquest camp, has de tenir més de 20 anys i experiència prèvia en voluntariat. Trobaràs tota la informació sobre els camps de treball en aquesta pàgina.
Llegeix atentament la descripció, i inscriu-te a través del cercador de camps!
Description: This project is organized for the first time by the Space SD in Ajloun. It aims to support the local community through providing a space where the local youth can experience an intercultural exchange. We also aim to promote the idea of volunteering in agricultural and ecological activities and encourage Jordanian young people to get involved in their farms.
Type of Work: The main task will be done in the olives farm. The volunteers will pick olives from the trees and take it by trucks to the mill where they pressed to extract the oil.
Also, the volunteers are going to photograph the olives picking season and beautiful natural and heritage sites in Ajloun. At the last day we are going to organize an exhibition in the city municipality. Bring your camera or smartphone with a good camera.
Study Theme: – The culture and traditions of the local community of Ajloun and the city history
- Basic learning sessions about photography
- How to harvest olives and learn about the whole process of producing olive oil
Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the house of a local family in Ajloun. It’s a double floor house with separated apartments. Volunteers are going to have one of those apartments, that is separated from the family. The volunteers will prepare food by themselves (3 meals per day). The food will be provided. Volunteers will be using a kitchen stove at the house, but during the harvesting cooking will be on firewood (traditional way).
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