Participa de “La Hamada Camp” organitzat per NOVA Sàhara Occidental, del 4 a l’11 d’abril
L’objectiu del camp és conèixer la situació que es viu al Sàhara Occidental i les condicions de vida als camps de refugiades, així com intercanviar experiències entre les voluntàries internacionals i sahrauís. També es recolliran els testimonis de la població local per tal de fer sensibilització sobre les vulneracions de drets humans.
Per participar en aquest camp, has de tenir més de vint anys, experiència prèvia en voluntariat i coneixement de la situació al Sàhara Occidental. Es valorarà experiència o formació en audiovisuals. Trobaràs tota la informació sobre els camps de treball en aquesta pàgina.
Llegeix atentament la descripció, i inscriu-te a través del cercador de camps!
Description: La Hamada Camp is organized by NOVA Western Sahara- a group of young volunteers from Western Sahara who embraced non-violence as a mean to realize their organisation vision and goals. The focus and aim of the workcamp is to identify the Western Sahara issues and the reality of life in a refugee camp, as well as to create an exchange between international volunteers and Sahrawi volunteers, and to find local witnesses and collect their testimonies to explain the situation in the camps and Western Sahara life reality in order to make people know about it abroad.
Type of Work: The work inside the camp will involve: meeting local volunteers to learn about the local situation and Saharwi habits and customs by visiting different organizations and institutions; meeting witnesses and recording their interviews to report the situation of young people in the camps of Western Sahara in order to let the world know about the living reality there; afforestation.
Study Theme: The international volunteers will get to know how Sahrawi people live, meet the reality of the camps and also learn how NOVA works through non-formal education methods as the themes of the workcamp regard non- violence, human rights violations in Western Sahara and volunteer life in refugee camps. NOVA will lead meetings, tea sessions, games and activities related to culture and history of the people of Western Sahara. Participants will have a chance to visit to places of interest such as the military museum, schools and many other.
Accommodation: The international volunteers will stay in NOVA’s members places. It is necessary to keep in mind that houses have acces to kitchen and bathroom but the living conditions are very basic. The volunteers will do the cooking by themselves, yet the amount of food will be limited due to the nature of the refugee camp.
Language: The main languages spoken in La Hamada Camp will be English and Spanish. Local volunteers with help with translation from Arabic during interviews and meetings with inhabitants of the refugee camp when needed.
Requirements: The participants need to be ready to live in harsh and demanding weather conditions and challenging everyday life of a refugee camp located in a desert.
Approximate Location: Tindouf is the main town near the camp where the volunteers will stay and a commune in Tindouf Province, Algeria, close to the Mauritanian, Western Saharan and Moroccan borders.
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