Participa a un seminari a Madrid sobre voluntariat Nord-Sud!

Participa a un seminari a Madrid sobre voluntariat Nord-Sud!

"Los otros: How to prepare young people to deal with their own stereotypes" és el nom del seminari que tindrà lloc a Madrid del 30 d'octubre al 5 de novembre. 

* Per participar als seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.

El seminari pretén abordar els programes formatius per a les persones que fan voluntariats o intercanvis a països del sud, amb l'objectiu de posar el focus en els prejudicis i en les relacions Nord-Sud, per tal d'aconseguir que les relacions esdevinguin en termes d'igualtat. 
Profile of the participants:
At best, the participants should be staff or volunteers responsible for preparation seminars and/or North-South-related programs in your organisation (e.g. selection of North-South volunteers, active in a working group, educational programs related to North-South relations, …) or have the willingness to get active in this topic in the near future.

Background and aims of the seminar:
SCI Madrid and the Pool of Trainers and Facilitators (TP) will host the seminar in Madrid, Spain, between 30 October and 5 November 2016. The seminar is a direct follow-up to the seminar "Picturing the Global South: The Power Behind Good Intentions", which took place in Vienna last year. The topic of the seminar will be the sharing and reflecting on how we can make volunteers aware and critical of their own stereotypes. The seminar will have a special focus on working on preparing volunteers, when sending them from Europe to the Global South for short-term and longterm exchanges.

The seminar will consist of five working days, in which methods, knowledge, approaches and ideas will be shared and the overall concepts of stereotyping and othering will be reflected on in a philosophical manner. We wish to give the space to exchange how to do good preparation for volunteers before their exchange projects.

In total we will be 27 participants from Irlanda, Belgica, Bulgaria, Finlandia, Czech Republic, Germany, Italia, Polonia, Grecia, Suecia, Austria, Hungría 

The seminar will contribute to a second and extended version of the online toolkit "Picturing the Global South" on North-South preparation, which the Pool of Trainers and Facilitators and SCI Austria published this year. The seminar will probably also include a street action on othering and a workshop for local volunteers in Madrid.

There will be no participation fee. All costs for accomodation and food as well as visa costs and up to 100% of the travel costs are covered by Erasmus+. Please get back to us, if anything is unclear or if you have any further questions, e.g. about the
program, the aim of the seminar or the application process. We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

Si estàs interessat/ada en participar-hi, envia el teu CV i carta de motivació a abans del 16 d'octubre!!