"One Step Forward, One Step Back" és el nom de la formació que tindrà lloc del 8 al 14 de maig a Novi Sad, Serbia. Pots inscriure't fins el 5 d'abril!
One Step Forward, One Step Back
8-14th May 2017, Novi Sad, Serbia
Volunteers’ Center of Vojvodina is organizing a seminar within the framework of the project PATH: Peace Activism through Lessons from History of Forced Migration, where we will gather 25 youth workers, activists working with youth and volunteers interested in or active in working with refugees. Participants from more than 7 countries will gather for 7 days to learn, share, challenge, create and change.
During this seminar, participants will
? learn and analyze current situation in Europe and the EU, regarding the refugee crisis, legal frame, human rights and core values
? discuss about existing initiatives that support refugees and migrants along the “Balkan route” in local communities, collectives, organizations, institutions etc.
? learn about the wars in ex-Yugoslavia, forced migrations and challenges during and after the wars (status, inclusion mechanisms, discrimination etc.)
? learn about resistance and peace movement during the 90’s (deserters, journalists, musicians, organizations etc.)
? discuss the role of SCI in the past and today (SCI during the wars in ex-Yugoslavia, SAVA WG)
? organize a public event – living library with living books which had to leave their homes even though they did not want that
? create video footage and collect contents for the final exhibition to be presented at the final visibility event in Bulgaria in January 2018 on the topic of lessons from the past with the focus on personal stories and power of remembrance Personal background related to forced migration, experience in the topic of the seminar and working with media (making videos, photography, writing stories and/or articles) are an asset! Participants will be selected based on their experience and motivation for taking part in the
The program will be revised according to the needs of participants and a common understanding of the group.
The program will be developed around these main topics:
1. Europe today (situation today, legal mechanism, institutions, status, challenging the idea of Europe: case of Hungary, Austria, Bulgaria, push backs, camps etc.) with a focus on concrete examples, local initiatives, communities, grassroot initiatives, independent volunteers and organizations on the field etc.
2. Balkan 1990 till today (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia causes & consequences with a focus on personal stories and experiences, dealing with the past
3. Visits to Subotica (Serbia’s most Northern city, on the border with Hungary, one of the stops on the so called “Balkan route”) and Tavankut (Croatian community in Serbia, that was facingchallenges during the war with Croatia): comparing the situation today with the refugees from the 90’s
4. Peace movements then and now (Women in Black, SCI)
5. The final event: Living Library in Novi Sad
During the seminar we will also invite experts to share their experience and knowledge regarding stories of forced migration after the wars in ex-Yugoslavia.
About PATH
The project spans over 17 months and brings together 279 participants from 13 countries. Participants are invited to explore the history of e.g. the Spanish civil war and the Yugoslav wars and to relive stories of people who have walked a long path, seeking refugee back then and nowadays. How can we use lessons learnt to (re)shape our current reality? Throughout five activities, the participants are working with media to cover the experience of 3 generations with forced migration and present their stories and good practices that can lead to innovations in our diverse society. The exhibition and video, leveraged by the use of unique documents from the International Archives of SCI, will be available both offline and online and presented at the final event in Bulgaria in January 2018.
If you are interested in applying, please contact your SCI branch and apply online by 5th April. Advantage will be given to participants from the Balkan region, especially from the ex-Yugoslav countries. Nevertheless we invite people from other European regions to apply.
Si estàs interessat/ada, escriu un correu electrònic amb el teu CV i carta de motivació a voluntariat@sci-cat.org abans del 5 d'abril (inclòs).