“Learn and get inspired from the past’ és un seminari internacional organitzat dins del marc de dos projectes que contribueixen a la feina que l'SCI desenvolupa en l'àmbit de les persones refugiades: el PATH – Peace activism through lessons from history of forced migration i A Route to connect: youngsters crossing borders for a better Europe.
El seminari està obert a participants locals que vulguin compartir les activitats que es desenvolupen en funció de les disponibilitats, des d'activitats del cap de setmana com la participació en tot el seminari.
Cap de setmana:
Dissabte 11: debat amb un expert sobre la guerra civil i l'exili i visita guiada al MUME
Diumenge 12: Excursió guiada de 5h refent un dels camins de l'exili cap a França. (Si voleu participar a totes les activitats del cap de setmana us podríeu allotjar amb la resta del grup a la Jonquera).
Dimarts 14, 18h: Acte de cloenda. Taula Rodona sobre l'exili forçat, on comptarem amb expertes en la temàtica, a més d'activistes i persones que han viscut de primerà mà el desplaçament forçat. Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Lletres de la UdG.
Omple aquest formulari per participar! O contacta a gestio@sci-cat.org.
Més informació:
Learn and Get Inspired from the Past
10-15 March 2017, ?Alt Empordà, Catalonia, Spain
Background of the seminar:
“Learn and get inspired from the past’ is an international seminar organised in the framework of two projects that contribute to the work SCI does in the field of refugees: PATH – Peace activism through lessons from history of forced migration and A Route to connect: youngsters crossing borders for a better Europe.
The seminar will be held at Alt Empordà, Catalonia, a meaningful place on the border between Spain and France, where, between January and February 1939, "la retirada" took place, i.e. 500000 people crossed the border to escape from the Spanish Civil, after the franquist troops took Barcelona. Participants will follow the refugee route and be introduced to historical spots, among which the Exile Memorial Museum (MUME). Related to that, the participants will also examine (other) examples of SCI actions related to refugees (in the past and nowadays).
The seminar’s main result is recognising memory as a strong tool for understanding the present and mobilizing activism and solidarity within the actual situation. Another important part of the seminar is raising awareness about the refugee situation and its main components connected with the origin of conflicts, migration flows and routes, legal framework, destinations and new hosting countries.
Working with media, participants will collect significant information and stories from the past that could function as an inspiration for working in the actual situation. These media outcomes will contribute to the final video and remembrance exposition about the project.
– To raise awareness about the condition of refugees on their route to and in Europe, with a focus on the past
– To spread and disseminate stories of refugees
– To activate youngsters in being actors of social change, together with older generations of activists, and to strive to shape society as they wish it would look like, through the exposition of examples coming also from the past.
Specific objectives
– To learn how forced migration was bedded in the past, and relate that to the present situation in Europe
– To examine the role that SCI had in supporting affected people as to inspire activation of youngsters nowadays
– To discuss the current refugee-issue in Europe and its effects on local society
– To set a proper framework and create guidelines/materials to be used for future activities within SCI (field study trip on Balkan route, Building Bridges campaign)
– To examine the concept of social inclusion in its historic context and compare that to youth-and volunteer work today and then.
Target group
The seminar is meant to inspire young refugees, youngsters and youth workers working and/or willing to work with refugees by connecting the past with the present and possibly near future.
Are you?
– Interested and/or active in working with refugees
– Interested in history of Spanish civil war
– Interested and/or experienced in working with media
– Motivated to collect and spread powerful stories
– Motivated to raise awareness on the topic
– Willing to be an actor of change within and beyond your local context
Si estàs interessat/ada en participar-hi, envia la teva carta de motivació i CV a gestio@sci-cat.org amb el títol "seminari memòria històrica", abans del 22 de febrer.