El projecte "Human Rights from A to Z" tindrà lloc a Lozen (Bulgària), de l'1 al 7 de novembre. T'animes a participar-hi?
The ? Training course “Human Rights from A to Z”? that will take place in Bulgaria in the period ? 1st till 7th November 2018? and will gather ? 34 representatives of organizations from 12 countries – ? Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain?.
About the project “Human Rights from A to Z”
The project “Human Rights from A to Z” is dedicated to the topic of human rights in the context of forced migration and has duration of 9 months (from 1st August 2018 till 30th April 2019). The training will be streaming in two directions – the theoretical introduction of the topic (human rights in the context of forced migration) and building of practical skills in order for the participants to consolidate the knowledge gained and applying it in their daily work with youth.
The ? aim? of the project is to cover the basics on the topic of Human Rights and Forced Migration and to inspire activists to seek and actively contribute to change in their local community, Europe and the world.
The ? specific objectives? of the project are connected in the following main themes:
– Human rights: Raising awareness about key concepts and terms connected with human rights topic. Understanding human rights’ historical development and evaluating the current situation. Expanding the knowledge about the existing protection mechanisms of human rights.
– Forced Migration and Refugees: Expanding the knowledge of the participants on the topic of forced migration in Europe and the world.
– The role of the non-governmental organizations: Understanding the importance of nongovernmental organizations and the civil society and their role for protection and respect of human rights, namely of refugees and migrants.
– Practical work: Support and guidance in organizing of workshops on the topic of human rights and forced migration. Gaining knowledge about educational tools for effective training of young people on the mentioned topics and prevention of radicalization.
Dates and venue of the training course
The training will take place from ? 1 st? (afternoon) till 7? th? November 2018 (lunch)? (5 full working days and two days – 1 arrival – 1? st? November and 1 departure day – 7? th November) in Bulgaria, in the ? Red Cross Training Centre (http://www.redcrosstrainingcentre.org/) in Dolni Lozen, next to Sofia. The participants need to arrive in the afternoon on 1? st? November and depart in the afternoon on 7? th November.
Profile of the participants
The training course is for:
? youth workers, leaders and activists? , with ? interest in? and ? experienced on? the topic of Human Rights and Forced Migration
? Age 18+
? Willing to learn and share
? Willing to practise and multiply learning after the training course
? Able to understand and express themselves in English
? Are committed to attend for the full duration of the project
Si estàs interessat/ada en participar o vols més informació, envia el teu CV a voluntariat@sci-cat.org abans del 16 de setembre.