Participa a un seminari sobre la II GM a Rússia!

Participa a un seminari sobre la II GM a Rússia!

El training tindrà lloc del 7 al 10 de novembre a Volgograd i tractarà el tema des de la perspectiva de la memòria històrica.

* Per participar als seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.

Remembrance and learning from the Second World War
A seminar about young people and remembrance in Europe

Aims and objectives
The Seminar aims to engage young people into dialogue about remembrance of the Second World War and to foster their peacebuilding activities and future cooperation.

The specific objectives of the Seminar in 2016 are:

  • To share experiences on learning about and from remembrance of the Second World War;
  • To develop a common understanding of human rights education as basis for remembrance education, and its practice in youth work;
  • To support participants in developing remembrance projects and joint actions with young people;
  • To support participants in developing their critical thinking and awareness about multiperspectivity in history and remembrance;
  • To explore challenges on the remembrance education and the history learning in the society today including the falsification and manipulation of historical events;
  • To encourage regular dialogue between generations and between youth from different countries about the Second World War;
  • To enhance the role of the Council of Europe, its member states and partners in the protection of democracy, human rights and rule of law in Europe by associating young people with its values and programmes;
  • To explore experiences and practices on remembrance activities in the youth policy and youth work in the Russian Federation and specifically in Volgograd.

Programme and methodology
The programme of the Seminar will be based on human rights and citizenship education approaches as practiced by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The Seminar programme elements will include sharing of experiences and practices of remembrance with young people, inputs and group discussions, visit to memorial places in Volgograd region and meetings with survivors of the Second World War. The programme will allow time for participants to reflect on how remembrance can be integrated and practiced in youth work and will focus on development of follow-up initiatives.

Working languages
The Seminar will be held in English and Russian with simultaneous interpretation.

Profile of participants
The seminar will bring together 65 participants from all member-states of the Council of Europe, the countries-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, together with a selected number of participants from other countries directly concerned by the objectives of the Seminar.

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