Participa a un seminari sobre refugi a Madrid durant el mes d’octubre

Participa a un seminari sobre refugi a Madrid durant el mes d’octubre

El training que tindrà lloc del 25 al 31 d'octubre tractarà sobre el repte de l'acollida de les persones refugiades a Europa. Ja t'hi pots inscriure abans del 28 de setembre

* Per participar als seminaris internacionals cal ser soci/a de l'SCI. En cas que no ho siguis, pots donar-te d'alta molt fàcilment aquí.

Seminar in Madrid, 25th to 31st of October 2017

In 2015, an unprecedented refugee crisis emerged in Europe, so managing real and complete integration is vital for them to feel accepted and welcome. The response of NGOs such as SCI should be based on the human rights approach, the protection and reception of refugee people from a non-assistance approach and focused on the autonomy and dignity of people, using volunteerism as a way to know better the communities, to communicate and become part of them. 

The idea of the project comes from the local group of volunteers in SCI Madrid called "Teachers". After several years of accompanying the students of their classes (immigrants, refugees, etc.) to become volunteers in SCI and active agents in the community, accelerating and facilitating their integration into European society, a beautiful initiative is born to create an international seminar where they can share these good practices with other volunteers from other European organizations and they can spread and multiply the benefits of it, and also learn from the other participants’ experiences in similar projects.                                 

The main objective of the project is to promote the integration of refugees into European society through volunteering. The specific objectives of the call are the following: 

1. Promote awareness and reflection on the situation of refugees in Europe and how to promote their integration through volunteering.               
2. Profit the experience and knowledge of organizations and volunteers to encourage the integration of refugees through volunteering.                 
3. Generate tools and methods for the integration of refugees into the community through volunteerism for later replication in other NGO’s.              

The selected participants need to be activists and volunteers of SCI with a strong interest in refugee, asylum seeker or immigration issues, plus they need to be ready to share with their sending organisations the outcomes of the seminar and promote these.

Therefore, the seminar will be carried out in accordance with the principles of non-formal education.

Si estàs interessat/ada en participar, envia el teu CV i carta de motivació a abans del 28 de setembre.