"Creative Tools For Youth Initiatives Against Radicalization And Populism” és el nom del seminari que tindrà lloc del 23 al 31 de juliol al 2017 a Diyarbakir, Kurdistan turc.
The overall aim of the training course is to train youth workers, youth leaders to be capable for preparing, implementing, and evaluating workshops on cultural diversity in local level and within youth exchanges as part of preventing radicalisation of young people. To raise awareness on cultural diversity and to develop competences for using cultural diversity as a positive and powerful tool within local and European youth work. To understand and develop different ways of active participation of young people within cultural diversity projects.
Learning objectives of the training course are:
– To raise understanding in human rights educational approaches mainly in connection with cultural diversity;
– To develop an understanding about aspects of active youth participation and critical way of thinking with elements and methods of non formal education;
– To be aware of importance of cultural diversity in local, regional and international level and to develop skills and attitudes to motivate and actively involve young people in human rights youth projects as preventing radicalisation of young people;
– To develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare, run and evaluate a cultural diversity workshop locally and within youth exchanges;
– To offer the opportunity to meet partner groups and develop concrete ideas for future projects focusing on cultural diversity and active participation of young people in order to prevent radicalisation of young people.
The methodology of the training course:
The course is designed as an open learning process based on participants’ experience and exchange. The training course will follow the non-formal education approach. A combination of the different creative and interactive methods will be used by the international trainers’ team and designed upon the profile of participants. The learning of new skills, the acquisition of knowledge and the exchange and challenge of each other’s attitude and experience are very important for this training course.
Some of the examples of methods that are going to be used in this training course:
– Individual and group activities
– Work on practical examples in a small groups
– Thematic workshops
– Role plays
– Theoretical inputs
– Discussions on follow – up and activities after this training course.
The entire course is designed as a mutual learning process in which, using diverse methods, participants can compare their approaches and experiences with youth work and Erasmus+ programme. Trainers will establish a theoretical framework and common reference points for learning and communication in this course, and they will also provide a framework where participants will be able to exchange their experiences and to develop new ideas. The course methodology foresees direct involvement of the youth and youth work organisations that will be present at the training course.
The course programme and contents are organised to allow for the maximum participation of the group using active and participatory methods.
Who can participate in the training course? :
– Being older than 18 years old and there is no upper age limit;
– Youth workers, directly working with young people, having experience of organising at least one youth exchange project;
– Youth leaders, having experience of organising (not just participating) at least one local and international youth project;
– Motivated to integrated human rights education in daily youth work mainly emphasis on cultural diversity and preventing radicalisation of young people;
– Have organizational support for further activities with young people;
– Be able to communicate in English.
Si estàs interessat/ada, escriu un correu electrònic amb el teu CV i carta de motivació en anglès a voluntariat@sci-cat.org abans del 29 de maig (inclòs).