Del 6 al 14 de setembre tindrà lloc un camp d'estudi internacional per reflexionar i treballar sobre el paper del voluntariat durant el període entre la I i II Guerra Mundial. T'animes a participar? Podràs formar part d'un grup de fins a 18 voluntàries internacionals.
Per participar només cal que siguis soci/a de l'SCI.
Project information (in english)
SCI Hellas, as coordinating organization, along with SCI Catalunya, SCI Italy, and OWA Poland, as partner organizations, are happy to announce the implementation of three study camps on the impact international volunteering has had throughout the years. The project is called “Volunteering vs Violence” and aims to give the participants all the tools necessary to understand the relevance of international volunteering, especially in times of conflict or change. Given the various locations, each camp will have different activities and will focus on a different time frame: from 1920 to 1945 for Catalunya, 1945-1989 for Italy, and 1989-nowadays for Poland. After the implementation of the study camps, a final conference will be held in Athens in March 2019 to present, share, and discuss the results of the project.
?Second study camp “Volunteering and conflict: a historical perspective from the beginning of the 20th century till WWII”
September 6th till September 14th 2018 , Barcelona
This second seminar in the framework of the project Volunteering versus violence will look into the role of volunteering organisations in relation to conflicts in the early twentieth century. We will look at how SCI was responding to international conflicts during that period and especially SCI's involvement as a volunteer organisation in the Spanish Civil War. We will also look how other peace organisations and social movements evolved and acted in that same period (until the WWII).
We will visit some peace institutions in Catalonia to have a broader historical perspective of the peace movement and the role of peace organisations as well as historical places that are related to the Spanish Civil War or SCI History. We will document our visits and interviews with people as to produce some materials (e.g. a newsletter) to spread the gained information with the broader public. We will also organise a public event in Barcelona where we will present our outcomes.
The working methods used will be based on the principles of adult learning, creating a stress-free and motivating environment where the group takes responsibility for the achievement of the results in an active and participatory way.
For whom
The study camp will gather 18 international participants (from the 28 EU member states plus Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina) coming from different SCI branches having a specific interest in looking into the history of volunteering in relation to conflicts. Participants are asked to do some research in their home country on this topic and bring with them some country specific input so a more European-wide synthesis of volunteering in this period can take place during the study camp.
When and Where
The study camp will last 9 days. Arrival is foreseen on September 6th before 3 p.m. and departure is on September 14th after 1 p.m. The camp will take place in Barcelona where we will stay in Ca l’Elna, in shared dormitories. We will prepare our own breakfast and dinner and have lunch in an alternative social centre in the neighbourhood.
Financial Conditions
The food and accommodation of the participants will be fully covered. Reimbursement of the travel tickets will be up to 120 Euro upon receipt of travel documents. We encourage you to use environmentally friendly transport (bus, train, car sharing) when possible.
How to apply
The applicants are asked to complete an online registration form HERE and send the CV to The deadline is August 1st. All applicants will be notified by August 5th 2018.